Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Okay so I've been feeling a bit of a buzz brewing about this subject, so I figure I'll just grow a pair (metaphorically speaking of course) and ask... one can only assume by looking at the wedding invitations that we are not to bring a date. Am I correct in this assumption? Just wanted to double check b/c I'd kick myself if I didn't, but not a prob either way - y'all know I'm in. And while I'm trying this post thing out for the first time... hey guys. Miss talking to you all (except you Nick, I can never get enough drunk dials, haha) and I hope everyone is kicking ass and taking names and having a damn good time in the process. I read your posts all the time and am so happy to see everyone doing well. I hope to have somewhat of a game plan for my life by the time I see you all again. Anyway, take care guys and gals. Much love -Amanda :o)


Jae said...

That is a correct observation Amanda :). When planning everything out we tried our best to work from a budget and inviting "and guest" became prohibitively expensive. There were a few select exceptions where the invitee won't know most everyone else, but for those of our friends that are part of "the click" we felt they would be okay foregoing the guest.

We will be after-partying back at the hotel for the UF (W) vs FSU (L) game, and the more the merrier...

Nick D said...

What are you talking about i never send out mass text messages and call people when im drunk...bwahaha...dont worry i will continue partying like a rock star and kicking some ass...on a serious note looking forward to seeing everyone thanksgiving weekend be prepared for an absolute awesome weekend...remember sleep is for the weak and can be caught up on after we all depart bradenton...i just saw jackass and i rate it as a must was incredibly funny and a bit gross at times but at least you know what your getting...and im starting the movement for improper sentences with no periods ever...Nick D out

Adam is gay

Amanda said...

I'll go in on the forever long sentences, correct grammar can kiss my fat ass... yeah like I said Jae not a problem just wanted to make sure (just so you know Nick you are now officially my go-to guy), and I completely resent the W/L assumption as the future cannot be predicted, especially with a team that chooses to rip your heart out and shove it back in every week... I don't know why Adam is gay but I'll have to disagree, he is a good, God-fearing straight man... hahaha okay guys apparently it's past my bedtime. :o)

Leighton said...

So what is the deal about Thanksgiving weekend anyway? I have to work the Friday after Thanksgiving...stupid stock market...but was thinking about shooting down for the weekend...would everybody still be there or should I try to shoot down Wednesday evening and come back to Jax Thursday night? Discuss.

Nick D said...

I fly out Monday so I will be should def try to shoot down

Jae said...

Leighton, I'm pretty sure something is happening Saturday... It's called a wedding and reception and you better be there to eat your Salmon, ha

Adam said...

It is true that I am gay, but only for Nick. And maybe Jae one last time before he gets married...

Leighton said...

Thanksgiving and your wedding are same weekend! HAHA...I'm an idiot...never really made that connection. Ok, Friday night it is.