Monday, December 11, 2006

The End of an Era

Guys I just wanted to let you all know that this will most likely be final post on the blog. I have accepted a position to work for Congressman Vern Buchanan in his Washington DC office. I will be handling some scheduling, some legislative issues and some of his political work. I, of course will be reading the blog but will probably not post anything for obvious reasons. I hope all is well with everyone and I hope to see you all over the Christmas Holiday.


Nick D said...

Ummm...your a pussy...but congrats on the position bud

Adam said...

I agree with the Nick. Someone takes his job too seriously. There is no law that says you can't write inappropriate things on a blog. There also is no law that says you can't talk to your congressional pages about their erections either!

Nick D said...

Drew let me ask you a question. Viewing kiddy porn and looking at pages penises is illegal regardless of action. So if you are constantly viewing the blog and viewing our racist/hate mongering/whatever you feel innapropriate comments are doesnt that make you a part of it irregardless if you post a response. Because im sure we can get jae to view your login frequency to the blog and establish some type of relationship here. So what im saying saying here is...MAN UP BEOTCH

Nick D