Monday, December 04, 2006

not for the hippies or tree huggers

Got back from my hunt in Texas. Here is my best deer!
A quality 8 point from one of Clayton Williams' Ranch.


Leighton said...

Nice kill Logan! I could barely see you in the pic thanks to all the camo:)

Jae said...

BAMBI NO!!!! ;)

Nick D said...

Nicely done sir...Stuff that head and hang it in your house redneck style...BIG BUCK HUNTER BABY

Amanda said...

Congrats Logan, although I'm freaked out that it looks alive. Ha, that made me think of Tommy Boy. :o)

Logan said...

Nick - It is goin on my wall! Should be here is about 8 months

Amanda - Do you see the hole in the chest of the deer? That shot went through his heart so he dropped, did not even take a step.

Nick D said...
