Okay, I was on the phone with my mother yesterday and she asked me about Thanksgiving and if we were going to be using the Beach House. I told her that I assumed we would be using it atleast once, but she kind of wanted a more definitive answer. She is cool with us crashing out there as much as we need, just so long as we don't destroy the place. I am home mid-day on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, so if we want to start boozing at the beach at 2pm on Tuesday we can. So lets discuss. 29 Days till election day. 32 Days till I drown my sorrows in Boston.
Cool, I'll see you in Bradenton Drew.
I'll be working until 5PM Tuesday and Wednesday, but if you plan on doing something one of those nights let me know. Thanksgiving is out for me, and Friday is up in the air until I have an answer for the post following this one.
I'll be there wed night!
Well Drew and anybody (guys) I would like to have the beach house for wedn night. I hope everybody will be in town wedn night. I know its the night before thanksgiving but suck it up. Its a great day to lay around and be hungover. Im working on the details still but for sure the house drew...
The beach house Wednesday night should not be a problem. So lets think of a time to meet. We can cook dinner at the beach and just sit there and drink there all night, you know throw a kegger like we did all those summers. Or we can go out and drink, and come back to the beach for a night cap and to crash. Let me know. I am down for anything, just so long as we do not pissoff the neighbors.
I have to take my national board exam that week, but I will try and schedule it before that Wednesday. I will hopefully be taking it at home too, so I can hang out that week before the wedding.
I think I am going to get crazy and come down Wednesday night...party...back to Jax Thursday night to work on Fri...back Friday night to party more...and stay the weekend. But i don't know yet.
Be crazy, you will have a lot of fun. It will be like old times. And you all must remember I nelieve Jenny and Jae began their affair at a beach house party. It will be a fitting end. But I could be halucinating because I have gotten 10 hours of sleep in the last 5 days.
10 hrs in the last 5 days?! Whats a matter Drew, have you been playing some late night "Lemiwinks" with Foley?
Well Rory, seeing as Mr. Foley is in alcohol rehab, so that is not an option. I was up all night worrying about your well-being Rory. Because is we lose the house, the democrats will want to raise your taxes, allow amnesty for almost 11 million illegal aliens, they will also give them Social Security benefits, and they will end the medi-care part d program. Basically your grandparents are screwed. So remember, vote early and vote often. You tell me the district, I will tell you who the GOP candidate is.
A likely excuse.
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