Monday, August 28, 2006

Another one bites the dust!

Most of you prolly have not heard yet but Jared High proposed to Meghan Miller over the weekend. I feel old!


Jenny said...

He proposed...but did she say yes? :)
You are old, Logan! Hope it is going well in Ft. Myers, give Deb a call sometime.

Logan said...

Of course she said yes.

I do call Deb T but she always has "stuff" to do.

Jae said...

She said yes...but did she say "Yes! Oh yes!"

We have lots of ladies out here for gentlemen willing to make the move. I vow to find every guy who moves out here a nice UofA girl just for himself.

Leighton said...

Can you find one for me that wants to live in Ponte Vedra Beach? Then we might have a deal!!

Nick D said...

Nick, Logan and Leighton = true Btown pimps relocated and still playin the field...see logan the btown pimps are on a cruise ship sailing around the world stopping at Australia and Italy. They are falling into davey jones locker. No offense to the J's (jae and jenny) and anybody else.


Logan said...

Did anyone else understand what the Nick said?

Leighton said...

I really only understood the first sentence...but The Nick doesn't have to make sense.

Logan said...

yea, same here.

Nick D said...

blih blah timmy

Jae said...

The J's also have no idea what the Nick is talking about... I think he was referring to playing soccer on a boat. I don't know though.

The Nick is like Chuck Norris & Samuel L. Jackson, he doesn't have to make sense, he's just that good.