Monday, September 11, 2006

Netflix Members Unite

Anyone on Netflix? Lookin' for some more friends... jbailey23 -


Eric said...

Netflix is garbage. They throttle your rentals when they feel you're taking out too many movies. I know because it happened to me and I was part of the class action lawsuit against it. All we were awarded was a lousy one-month upgrade in service level. They even had the balls to throttle me during my upgraded month. I quickly cancelled my subscription.

Leighton said...

What do you mean by "throttle"? Like they would hold rentals back when they thought you were taking too many? If so...that is pretty f'd up.

Eric said...

That's exactly what I mean. Waiting two weeks or more for movies to be delivered and a complete inability to get new releases while I pay them is definitely pretty f'd up.

Anonymous said...

I still love Netflix in spite of the throttling.

Logan said...

Who the hell is Will?

Jenny said...

Just some random guy that read our blog.....he is now a Netflix friend of mine though :)

Leighton said...

HAHA Logan...I was thinking the same thing...