Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Time

Finally a good article. I will be busting out the Merry Christmas like crazy at the AIG "Holliday Party". Either way enjoy the holiday season everybody. Be merry, enjoy the christmas parties, eat some good food and most of all drink some eggnog. Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

Jolly ole Saint Nicholas


Leighton said...

Great article Nick! This PC bullshit has created the "minority rules" mentality that drives me crazy! Merry Christmas everbody...Merry Christmas. Oh, and Happy Hanukah to Josh;)

Adam said...

This clip just about sums it up for me:

Nick D said...

I have not seen that in awhile and it was....awesome....I forgot I great that show was/is. I will now proceed to watch other south park clips on youtube while I get a little bit of overtime