Friday, October 20, 2006


For everybody who is going I hope you guys have an awesome time and take advantage of the fact your in vegas. I know for sure I can count on Jae sitting his ass at the craps table all night and getting free drinks. Josh I think I will need your help on this request. Please make sure eric "the horn dog" gets to see some boobies. He might resist at first josh but just use ur will or some liquor either way. And my next request should come pretty easy I want you guys to hit up a cheap as hell all you can eat buffet. Im talking like National Lampoon Vegas Vacation style you know what im talking about. And lastly if time permits maybe take in a show. Lets review order of importance.
1. Drinking/Gambing - they go hand in hand
2. Exotic Dancers or Ladies of the night
3. All you can eat buffet
4. Celion Dion
And remember if your losing some money and your in the hole put all your remaining money on red. Somebody do me a favor and play some ROO ROO and put a couple dollars on number 8. I will split the winnings with ya. Have a safe trip and live it up.

PS I love friday work days...they sure beat the 16hr shift i pulled yesterday

Nick D

1 comment:

Leighton said...

For all of you guys in Vegas or going to Vegas...HAVE FUN!!! Congrats to Jae and Jenny!