Just click on that link above and you will understand. I just looked at my bank account and I am a few dollars short so if anybody wants to help me out that would be greatly appreciated. I will compliment any donations with free tours of the bones and possibly one of the greatest movies of all time...Jurassic Park. It needs to happen it is my destiny. Fuck the poor people its christmas lets donate to the Raptor fund.
Nick D a.k.a. (The original Raptor)
Ughhhh...only you Nick.
HAHA...I read this article earlier today and immediately thought of you Nick! However, I don't have any moeny to donate to the cause. Fossil sounds freakin cool though...wish they had pics.
I will only donate if we can extract some dino-DNA and make a real Raptor.
I second that idea...now we just need to purchase an island
And if we learned anything from Jurassic Park, one of the greatest movies of all time, it should not be in the Carribean. Hurricanes can really fuck up a park. I am thinking somewhere like Nantucket, those sissy liberals would love that shit.
But can dinos live in the cold? Like arctic dinos or something? I'm thinking Austrailia...then we have an excuse to live there!
Now im digging the Aussie idea. But im sure we can make them survive in the cold if we can create them we can prob add some type of gene to make them adapt who knows. Then we can expand into Canada. Blame Canada Blame Canada there not a real country anyway.
Jenny and Chris. If you see this can you either post the "better" pics you have of me or email them to me so I may post them. To everybody else this is not perverted they are funny pics. Well maybe not to the few it makes fun of but hey I think it would make for a good laugh.
Bullshit...Do not post those pictures. Or at least wait until I have a job. Good lord please, I am begging you.
Haha, to post or not to post......I will take bribes.......they are pretty funny pictures though.
Also, if anyone has any digital wedding photos, please post or email them to me. We don't get the photographers pictures for a while and would like to see some pics.
Aaron, brilliant idea! I think we should call that Richard Branson guy. I am sure he would fund it. Maybe for the second season we could do the same thing but grow the dinos on Sri Lanka and let them go on India. And yes, please post pictures of drew with hot dogs and/or the wedding.
Aaron that could be one of the better ideas I have heard in awhile my only concern is the dinosaurs eating the africans and getting AIDS...hmmm oh well my vote is for the posting of the pictures...drew is just being a pussy
I vote for PICS!
Okay fine, whatever. Post the pictures. I believe that most of them you cannot see my face.
Yesssssssss....Mrs Sammy we await your pics...wow that is kinda weird to say
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