Monday, April 28, 2008

here you go boys, i'm so f'in stoked...


Anonymous said...

Damn, unfortunately I have to wait till this weekend to get it...I have my last exam Friday, and if I buy this game now I know I'd fail!

Alex said...

Ummmm....WOW! Can't wait until I get my hands on it tomorrow.

Leighton said...

Yay, something else to keep me from studying for my series 3! will try to pick it up today.

Eric said...

got it, picking it up tonight :-)

Anonymous said...

oh dude, its amazing...and I only played for 15 minutes.

Chris said...

got my copy

Andrew said...

Damn, I need to buy a PS3 or and Xbox 360 and then this game...Too bad I am broke, oh well such is life.

Anonymous said...

I just got a lap dance in Brogan...then I got kicked out for fighting. This game is hilarious.

Jae said...

the cut scenes when you get laid are pretty funny too