Saturday, April 12, 2008

I fear for the future...

I'm not going to post a link since the story is friggin everywhere by now, but have you all out of the area heard about the Polk county kids who beat the ever loving crap out of a girl who was talking smack on MySpace? One chick lured her a house where 6 girls were waiting to jump her while 2 guys waited outside as lookouts. The girl didn't even fight back and now has impaired hearing and vision. As if this weren't bad enough, these idiots were dumb enough to video tape the half hour beatdown (their great plan was to post it on YouTube), and now face kidnapping, battery, and tampering charges that could (but won't) put them in prison for life. They're all being tried as adults. Retards are gonna throw their lives away just for some stupid words being said. I know stupid kids will be stupid kids, but no amount of running your mouth warrants being trapped and beaten senseless like that. It reminds me of that punk who killed a kid by continuing to go at him after he fell unconscious... dumbasses don't realize they could actually murder someone when stuff like this escalates. Anyway, there's been some buzz down here on the radio and stuff about local kids thinking that what these girls did wasn't that big of a deal, saying that the first girl shouldn't have run her mouth in the first place. I was curious as to what you guys thought, because it pretty much makes me sick... *shutter*


Logan said...

I heard about it on the radio the other day. I am glad they are being tried as adults.

Leighton said...

I have actually seen parts of the video and can sum it up in one word...disgusting. The poor girl didn't even try to fight back. I hope the nail all of them and they rot in hell. What the fuck is wrong with people. The first thing I am going to say to my first born child is "I'm sorry." I'm sorry you have to be raised in such a fucked up world. I have lost all faith in human kind.

Jae said...

i guess i would have made a good juror because this is the first i've heard of it. they should def. be tried as adults and made out to be examples. what, if any, comments have their parents made? i can probably guess, "what? susy would never do anything like this! well, no, i don't really know much about what goes on behind closed doors in her room under my roof, but i'm sure she is the same wonderful child she is around me." ... idiots