Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yale artwork

Somebody please explain to me why I should ever think an education from Yale is worth a damn when compared to state schools. FYI, the link is in the title.

I guess I do not understand what the word "art" implies. A Yale student apparently thinks that self expression involves video taped, self induced abortions. I guess Yale assumes that a display of skid marks from my childhood could represent the saga of a young boy growing up in Florida, while it really just a bunch of shit stains in tighty whities.

But, what the hell do I know, I done got me an edumacation from one of them schools down south in them areas where them boys wear white sheets and chase around the darkies.


Leighton said...

I read this story today and was once again disgusted. Just when I think I have seen it all, I read a story like this.

I know we say this every time...but what the fuck is wrong with people?!

Andrew said...

I saw this a few days ago and I was totally disgusted. I put that at the same level as the person who painted the Virgin Mary with his own poop. Alex, what you said about the Yale education I agree with but you need to take it a little farther. Yes education at an "elite" private school and a state school can be equal, it is more based on what the person makes of their time there. Except when you talk about Colgate, there is nothing better than that. My beef is with "Art" majors. Art History, I am fine with that, but just Art? WTF? Anyone who majors in Art or Performing arts should not get a diploma. How do you grade a painting or someones acting ability? Most modern art looks like a retarded monkey vomited paint. But what do I know, I am just a knuckle dragging conservative who believes in God.

Chris said...

Came out that it was all a "work of fiction" the abortions never really happened, and the blood are just the artists representations of the acts. I still find it disturbing, but hey soon she will be working at starbucks, so no harm no foul

Adam said...

Yeah I'm not convinced there is really anything spectacular involved in modern art. I think what is more important is the story you have describing your work and how well you sell yourself (i.e., how big of snobby douchebag hippie you are and how you can construe your art as something hating on the evil corrupt right wing neocons). That being said having an understanding of the classics and art and literature is very valuable.

I would never trade my liberal arts education, but you are 100000% correct that going to an elite school won't make you appreciate the education you are getting. Anyone that says a state school education is crap is the real idiot as well as the folks that hate on liberal arts educations. Its all what you make of it.

Anonymous said...

It really is pretty amazing what some people consider art. I took a class on the First Amendment and we read a couple of "art" cases (though nothing as bad as this). One guy made a sculpture of the Virgin Mary out of elephant shit and called it art. Seriously, just use some clay. In another case, a woman stripped naked and covered herself in chocolate and walked around in public. She claimed it was art. Ridiculous stuff.