Tuesday, April 08, 2008

YAY! No longer a bum!

I got a job, woo hoo! I started yesterday at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital as a PT Aide part time, and will be starting an internship with Corporate Fitness Works of Clearwater in a couple weeks when my semester ends. Only the first is a paid position, but I'm hoping both will beef up my resume enough to secure a decent chance at a job upon graduation. The internship might secure me a job in and of itself anyway, but will give me a Sh*t ton of experience and teach me to apply what I already know regardless. So yay, I'm officially not a piece of crap anymore :o)


Jae said...

good job amanda, internships are a great way to get one foot in the door. glad to see things are coming around for you. keep up the hard work.

Leighton said...

Congrats! Welcome back to the workforce!

Nick D said...

Congatulations! Hey you were never a piece of crap, remember your #1 :)

Andrew said...

Excellent. Congratulations. Best of luck with all that.

Amanda said...

Hahaha I forgot about that Nick! You're absolutely right, I AM number 1! lol

Amanda said...

And thanks guys :o)

Logan said...

Congrats Amanda! When do you graduate?

Amanda said...

May 2009 if all goes to plan