Thursday, May 01, 2008

Dropbox Beta

I just received my invite to join the dropbox beta. It's an app for PC and mac that seamlessly syncs everything between all computers that you install it on. I've got it set up at home, work, and on my laptop. Folders can also be shared between users and all changes are synced between them as well. Check out the video at and see if you'd like to join. I have 10 invitations, so let me know if you're interested in using this.


Unknown said...

Hi! I would love an invitation. I would be very grateful if you could spare one. Thanks!

taylor.august [at] gmail dot com

Eric said...

haha, I don't know who the hell taylor is, but if no one else claims these soon he's going to get one!

Unknown said...

Haha, sorry!

I found your blog about Turkey and saw the pictures the other day. Just been checking in since then.

I've been hoping to get my beta for Dropbox for a looooong time, but it just never happens :-[

Sorry, I didn't realize you were offering them privately.

Adam said...

Alright Alex! Gettin' random props for his vacation post. Nice work! Kind of weird to think other people read our blog about making fun of one another.

Adam said...

After watching that video, I feel that this product would not be good for me. Not only would my porn be uploading to, say, a work computer (if I had one) but then it is saving itself on the web.

Alas, I only have one shitty desktop computer so I couldn't really use this thing anyway.

Unknown said...


Adam, you're supposed to say "looks GREAT! send me one Eric!" and then *secretly forward it to me*

(this comment doesn't exist)

Leighton said...

I never occurred to me that outsiders would really be interested and follow our blog. Pretty cool, but I wonder how we are perceived on the "outside"?

Welcome to share some info on yourself? (no stalker)

Unknown said...

Sorry, I only share details with stalkers :-/


No really, Google is a wonderful thing. I don't remember exactly what term I used to find your blog, but Google is definitely indexing it... along with everything else in the world.

I'm a regular guy, 27 yrs old, living in Seattle, WA for the time being. Moving to Austin, TX this summer when my girlfriend graduates from Dentistry school. I've been into web business since the dawn of the Internet, and I'm starting into real estate investing with my partner this summer after the move.

Other than that... I love books, animals, and long romantic walks on the beach at sunset.... ehhh :-}

So are you all a bunch of friends that keep in touch via this blog?

Adam said...
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Adam said...

That's pretty funny. I'm currently in dental school in Boston. Is your lady at Univ. of Texas San Antonio? That's the only school I can think of near Austin. Either way, you are a wise man dating a dentist. You'll have all the benefits of the cash without the stressful experience of going through dental school. Congrats!

And yes, Bryan is a stalker, but you're not a 13 year old boy, so you're safe.

Unknown said...

Haha! Well that makes me feel better then.

No, she's at the University of Washington here in Seattle. I think she mentioned it's one of the top 2 schools in the country.

Her parents are in Austin, which is one of the reasons we're moving. The other reasons are due to the fantastic weather in Seattle [sarcasm], the hot real estate market in Austin, the shitty weather here in Seattle, the great weather in Austin... and to distance ourselves from the depressed citizens of Seattle before they commit mass suicide due to the bad weather here.

Adam said...

Don't really know too much about Univ. of Washington but it sounds good! If it is #2, then Tufts is the #1 school, for sure. =) I don't even think they have rankings actually. The dental world wants as much internal control as possible. As far as they care, every school is #1!

I have heard that Seattle doesn't have the best weather, but I never knew it was that bad! Sounds like you are in need of some sun. Boston can be pretty crummy but it is tolerable. Or maybe I'm just sick.

Real estate scares me these days. It's a good thing I have a negative income right now so investing is just about the last thing on my mind. Best of luck!

Jae said...

welcome taylor, this blog originally started out in competition with eric's blog :).

it ended up being a good place for all of us high-school buddies to keep up-to-date on each others' lives.

Unknown said...

Ahhh, I see.. thank you Jae.

I spent like an hour digging through some of your old posts. I'm actually quite impressed at how active you all are in keeping in touch and posting blogs. I also enjoy a lot of the humor here. You seem like an awesome bunch of friends :)

Unknown said...

Oh also...

THANK YOU SO MUCH ERIC!! Eric dropped me an invite to dropbox, and I really appreciate it.

And sorry for hijacking your comments on this blog post, you ALL should take Erics advice and seriously look at dropbox. I'm going to be using it as an alternative to Flickr to store ALL of my photos to share with family/friends. I haven't used it yet, but it seems like the most killer interface to do stuff like that.

Leighton said...

Pretty cool Taylor...we range in age from 27 to 25 (i think) and we have everything in here from future dentist, computer engineers, a real life dr.(vet), trader (me-mortgage industry), lawyer (pending), future president, and Nick (he is his own category:). In fact...I can't believe Nick isn't in here yet! We all grew up together, and this blog is much easier than picking up a phone. Enjoy your stay and feel free to contribute.

And that I know this blog is so public...try not to mention the 13 yr old boys...Dateline might be watching!

Nick D said...

Nick > Taylor > Rory

I am at work and feel kind of drunk still...going to be a good day. Thanks for helping me punk Rory new guy.

Nick D said...
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Andrew said...

That is my boy Nick, still drunk at work the next day. I have not done that in a while, but I remember the mornings that I had to pray to the porcelain God on all fours after events. But that was in my youth, and when we were in the majority and people liked buying us young staffers massive amounts of alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Nick > Taylor > Rory > Nick

Did I just blow you mind?

Anywho, Bryan you can drop the "pending" from my lawyer status. I offically graduate tomorrow morning...however, there is that thing called the Bar I gotta deal with.

Nick D said...

Haha simply stunning. I think that should be the new theory of evolution. Notice how it begins and ends with me and appears to be a continuous cycle.

Congrats to you Dr. Zinna....

Nick D CPA <------- Don't forget that leighton, but thanks for the own category...i think.

Adam said...

Wow, Rory. Graduating tomorrow?!? Do you have plans after school yet? I am envious of your entry into the real world.

Anonymous said...

haha, don't be too envious Adam. Technically, I can't practice law until I pass the Bar. My plans as of now is that I'm taking a Bar prep course for 6 weeks starting in June, then taking the Bar in mid-July. And, meanwhile, I'll be looking for a job in the Tampa area.

Adam said...

What kind of law will you be practicing though? That was more the aim of my questioning. Please don't say malpractice. I don't want to have to disown you as my friend.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I'm steering more towards probate and property law. I'll take what I can get though. However, I'm not getting into crim law or malpractice, so no worries.

Unknown said...

How did "the new guy" leap towards the front of the food chain so fast?

Probate law eh? I'm mixed up in some Probate right now due to my grandfather passing away this winter. First time through it, and he didn't leave very well thought out instructions via his will or otherwise. Kinda nerve racking.

Nick is a CPA huh? What part of the world are you in? You typically work with individuals or businesses? (or both)

Nick D said...

Actually Taylor you and Rory are at the bottom, there are many others in between hidden haha.

See the next post about what I do for I just got a new job.

Nick D said...
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Logan said...

Leighton, you forgot the job you are all envious of. Mine!

So we have a lot of titles before or after our names now.
PA?(is that the attorney one?)
soon DDS

Anything else I am forgetting?

Adam said...

That's DMD, actually. =)

Alex said...

Congrats Rory on graduation! Good luck on the BAR!

Welcome Taylor! I am glad my Turkey post reeled in a new person.

Adam, how long until you graduate?
By the way, I haven't been to a dentist in a few years...does that bother you? :)

Josh said...

My word verification to post to the blog is mcnuttoy. I think we better be careful about what we post here, due to fact that google is watching us now. We will no doubt be viewed by several child molesters, and hash officianados.

Nick D said...
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Leighton said...

I apologize Logan...I must have subconsciously blocked you out because your job upsets me:)

Leighton said...

I guess I need to work on getting some kind title after my name so I can continue to fit in.

You do realize that our ultimate goal of creating our own society is slowly taking shape...I think we almost have everything covered. haha