Monday, April 14, 2008

For the motorcycle guys...

Ok bike guys...I'm looking for any advice/input. Anything will help.

Do you use daily?

Do you suggest having a car also? Could I get by without it if I needed to?

Sorry to be so broad...but hopefully you guys can fill me in a little.


Nick D said...

My personal suggestion is go with my main two modes of transportation. Walk and public transportation, nobody can't say I am not trying to go "green" :)

Leighton said...

haha, well considering I am in the biggest city in the world (land area), I don't think that would be a smart strategy.

As for as NYC sho.

Amanda said...

Was that a triple negative?

Leighton said...

Dammit Jae and Josh where are you guys?!

Anonymous said...

judging from Josh's senior year at UF it is wise to either also have a car or have a group of 3 roommates that you can mooch rides to the grocery store from

Anonymous said...

Personally, my Schwinn gets me around pretty well. But the car is convenient for longer distances. I'm just saying.

Nick D said...

Or you can just pay Zinna to give you piggy backs everywhere, that's what I did my last year at FSU. It is a win win situation. He makes money and loses weight and you get the satisfaction of being his "master".

Leighton sorry your serious post got turned into this. That is what happens when me and rory are able to comment on anything.

Leighton said...

As long as I eventually get some real answers, I don't mind at all fellas. WTF is Jae though?! I need some true input.

Jae said...

here i am, sorry but some of us work for a living :P.

glad to see some more of the guys are growing a pair (or considering it).

i started out riding daily, now i carpool with jenny most of the time (we work in neighboring buildings) and ride on weekends.

having a car also is a must. it just needs to be something to keep you dry in case it is raining and something that you can put groceries in. if you have a flexible work schedule and are willing to eat out a lot then you may be able to get by without a car.

as for cc's, i have a 650 and that is appropriately sized (imho) for a starter bike. josh rode a 500 and that was a little too small i think. mine has enough engine to get you in trouble if you want but not too much that you will kill yourself.

what kind of bikes are you looking at???

Leighton said...

For a period of time, a bike would be my only transportation. I figured being the bachelor I am, groceries in a backpack would get me by, since I live so close to Publix.

As far as rain...yeah it would suck...but that is why they make rain gear right?

So far everything I have read has steered me away from a 600. The bike I had picked out was actually a 250...which everybody says is a perfect starter bike. I can pick one up brand new for about $4k, and it holds it value so well, no harm no foul if I upgrade quickly.

I guess I will get a better feel when I take my MSF class.

Jae said...

i have been caught out in the rain and no amount of rain gear will keep you dry (just various degrees of wet). plus you are far less visible to other drivers in the rain when on a bike.

i picked up my '03 suzuki sv650 for $3750 about a year and a half ago. i don't think a 250 will have enough engine to get you out of dangerous situations when they arise (and they do).

you will do your msf course on a 250 so you will def. know better after that.

Jenny said...

As far as the cc's go, I would def say go bigger since the 250cc is considered a girl's bike ;-) esp since that is the bike I would get.

Josh said...

I got a friend out here with a 1200, and apparently that many cc's makes you retarded. I am a fan of the honda 600's they make a rock solid bike with plenty of power. I am looking at that one currently, but in Louisiana drunk driving is a favorite past-time. A 500 will be outgrown quickly, take the course and ride the 250's for a weekend and you will outgrow that one too, just don't be an idiot and you won't die. If you want to do a 150 mph just wake up early and do it before anyone wakes up. Congrats on considering a bike, they are a lot of fun, but you need a car due to the lovely florida weather, and if there is traffic you clutch hand will get strong, traffic is a bitch on a motorcycle.

Leighton said...

Thanks for the input guys, looks like I just need to get on some to see what I like and feel comfortable on.

Leighton said...

Also, any good websites to recommend for gear and stuff? Also, where did you find your bikes?

Adam said...

Bikes seem scary. My Audi is a car and sometimes it makes me mad because there isn't enough space in it. I don't know how one could subsist on just a motorcycle for any period of time.

I just bought a new car actually. I am in Chicago and will be picking it up from the Boston dealership when I get back next weekend. Pictures will certainly follow.

Jae said... for good gear on clearance for replacement clips & stuff for doing work on your bike