Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Costa Rica

Heading to Costa Rica in the morning. I will post pics when I get back on Tuesday.


Nick D said...

That is awesome Real Deal, I will sit in the office today and tomorrow. Post at least one pic of a bikini clad lady.

Alex said...

The smaller the bikini the better! I know that may be hard considering most of your pictures are of shirtless guys.

Nick, tax day has come and gone. Shouldn't you be back to drinking beer and sitting on your ass?

Andrew said...

Alex, that is all Nick does anyways. He just sits around drinking and trying to take girls to #town.

Nick D said...

Hey give me some respect, sometimes I drink wine and liquor.

Anonymous said...

Two words...banana hammock. Do it, Beal.

Leighton said...

I wanna see some chicks this time Beal! I wanna see some bronzed female ass in a thong bikini. That is my only request.

Jae said...

you guys are asking for too much, i think a man-kini is a reasonable compromise

Adam said...

Mangina here we come!

Logan said...

I got you Leighton. Pictures are coming soon!