So over the weekend I decided to make an oven roasted chicken. Needless to say, one man cannot consume such a fowl in one sitting and I have tons of leftovers. So far, I made a chicken sandwich for lunch, made some stock, and put some chicken in a burrito. But my best use has been my dinner the past two nights: Chicken Hash.
It has been the perfect use of chicken and actually tastes better than the chicken dinner I made for myself initially. Here goes:
Potatoes (I have made with both regular and sweet potatoes)
Fresh Basil for garnish
Garlic powder
Chili powder
To speed things up, I like to cut the potatoes in medium chunks and then boil them in water for maybe 15 minutes until they are cooked through. Then heat up a nice cast iron skillet with some oil (which works much much better than a regular pan) and add the potatoes and onions. Don't move them around a lot so they get nice and brown and cook for about 5 minutes. Now add your chicken and spices. I used a hefty amount of garlic powder and maybe half as much chili powder. Cook for another 5 minutes. Pop it on a plate, garnish with basil (I used green onion the first night and that was tasty as well) and serve with some ranch dressing and biscuits.
The spice possibilities seem pretty endless but these worked quite well. Also I am sure one could come up with a more creative dipping sauce but that is what I had in the fridge. Maybe something horseradishy would be good... Anyway, this is what I do with my time when I don't want to study anymore.
Nicely done Adam, I'm impressed. I seem to have lost all creativity in the kitchen, so I don't cook like that anymore.
BTW...when I first saw the picture...I thought the biscuits were two whole lemons...needless to say I was confused.
Yummo Adam Ray!
....Yes, there is a girl living with us now. For some reason everyday I get home from work, Rachael Ray is on. The good thing is shortly after that, dinner is ready!!
i also fell for the old biscuits-disguised-as-lemons trick. that sounds very tasty adam. i might kick it up a notch w/ some habaneros though.
Haha, I like the lemons. I guess I should just stick to making the food and not photographing it. Some habaneros would be a good addition for sure! Maybe make some cornbread with jalapenos in it instead of the lemons, I mean biscuits.
I started a pepper garden so far I have cayenne, habaneros, jalapenos, red cerrano, and tabasco peppers. One thing I will say for Louisiana is that anything will grow in the dirt. The weird thing is that crawfish keep digging holes in my backyard. I found like a thousand with the lawn mower yesterday.
I disagree with the statement that one man cannot eat a whole chicken in one sitting. It just so happens that I did that weekly in college. Don't forget the whole bag of tater tots for a side!
holy shit josh is alive. he has emerged to reveal to us his pepper garden. now he has gone back into the depths of wherever-the-hell-it-is-he-goes and time will only tell when we hear from him again.
haha Jae, I was thinking the same thing...I was like "who the fuck is Josh?" Then I remembered. True story.
Ehh, I thought cornbread. Close.
Yeah I'd have to say Rachel Ray is a staple on my TV as well... must be a chick thing. But in light of my free time I have managed to become a pretty darn good cook myself as of late... I'll have to give that recipe a try. Looks scrumptious Adam!
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