Carla and I were thinking of signing up for champions club tickets for Gator games. Any other Gator fans interested? It won't be until Carla June at least, but if any of you are interested we could try to get tickets together. Just as info the seats are $2600 a piece per year if you are interested
Plus the donation to even get your name on the list...
eventually we will be back east and consider this, until then ESPN Gameplan will have to do...
I'm down.
oh SNAP!!!!
$2600 x 2??? no thanks. The day I blow that kind of money on tickets is the day that I'm set for life and only working to kill time.
Damn, that's over $370 per game... UF has enough of my money already!
I have already paid the investment for Auburn tickets. I do not recall the total amount with the donation, but I remember writing the check hurt pretty bad and I still need to pay $800 for the ticket price alone. I think I have mentally blocked out the actual total cost as a defense mechanism. I guess it is a small price to pay for nine years and counting of never missing a home football game.
By the way, I bought two tickets on my own, so maybe I can convince some cute girl to come with me.
Eric,read Carla graduates = Chris set for life ;)
Alex, with my knowledge of the average Auburn fan you could get a cute one to "pleasure" you during halftime for the chance at season tickets.
Jae and Jenny move back east before you turn into Granola munching Hippies...I demand it!!!
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