Friday, April 04, 2008

Airlines f**cked us, how about you?

As you probably know, the airline industry is hurtin' for certain. As a result, Jetblue stopped service from Tucson to NY as of May. Our July 4 trip to NY was, therefore, cancelled. Jetblue as a company was fairly easy to deal with. Regardless of what we decided to do (re-route, refund, etc.) they gave us $50 Jetblue credits per person per flight ($200 in total). In the end we are flying out of Phoenix now (a 2 hour drive as opposed to 20 minute drive) since flights have gone up so much it doesn't make sense to get a refund.

Has anyone else been affected or heard of someone affected by the recent cancellations? Which airline were they flying and how was it handled?


Nick D said...

That extra driving is definitely not fun, but at least they made it "easy" for you as possible. I currently have a flight booked for Indianapolis, Indiana over Memorial Day weekend I really really hope I do not encounter any issues with that.

PS Yes I am going to the Indy 500...OH YEA!!!!!!!!

Nick D said...

That extra driving is definitely not fun, but at least they made it "easy" for you as possible. I currently have a flight booked for Indianapolis, Indiana over Memorial Day weekend I really really hope I do not encounter any issues with that.

PS Yes I am going to the Indy 500...OH YEA!!!!!!!!

Eric said...

I'm going to Vegas for work the week of the 21st, and no cancellation yet. I actually got a good price on it, too (not that I paid for it). I don't think I travel enough to feel the strain of increasing rates.

Nick D said...

What are you going to do with you Car, how much is long term parking??

Yes well I used to tell people you should not pay over $200 to visit NY from FL. Now I would be stunned if you got that. I will probably fly 5-6 times this year. I can definitely tell a difference, especially in my wallet.

Leighton said...

I'm with Eric, I don't fly enough to feel it. I might going to Jackson Hole, Wyoming on business in June, so we will see how that goes.

Amanda said...

Why the double asterisk... you got an extra letter going on in there?

Jae said...

flicked, i figured that was obvious :)

Alex said...

Well, I am currently in Goreme, Turkey in an area in Cappadocia using a hotel computer, and I had some airline issues on my way to Istanbul.

Delta cancelled my flight about three days before I was supposed to leave, so my mother had to find a new flight ASAP. I ended up leaving from Atlanta about 2 hours earlier than what was originally planned and had a four hour layover in Frankfurt, Germany before my connecting flight to Istanbul. This seemed like a huge inconvenience until Delta delayed the takeoff from Atlanta by three hours, which turned my four hour layover into a one hour dash to the other end of the Frankfurt airport. Rather stressful!

However, to the airline's credit, I arrived in Istanbul on time with my luggage. I guess it could have been much worse.

Adam said...

Woah, Alex, what are you doing in Istanbul?? That sounds awesome! You better put some pictures up here when you get back.

Nick D said...

Or were you in Constantinople??

That is awesome AL, you will have to give us full details and pics upon your return.

Andrew said...

I have not had any terrible problems like that flying. Just delays and such. If anyone one is flying Southwest for the next 6-9 months, I would be worried. The federal government is thinking about sitting half of their planes until they all get a very good inspection.

Leighton said...

Remember Nick...Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul not Constantinople...ok, I'll stop...nobody will get it anyway.

Jae said...

don't fret leighton, i get it. you had me singing in my chair...

Nick D said...

That is what I was hoping for Leighton, nicely done sir.

Leighton said...

My pleasure sir...I try not to pass up golden opportunities like that. Sweet set-up Iceman!

Alex said...

I am in Turkey visiting my mom while she is teaching here. She is in her second year and will be here a total of three years. So, I got to come over a spend a little over a week in Turkey traveling to Istanbul, Capadoccia, and Ephesus.

Tomorrow, I am going hot air ballooning over Capadoccia and hopefully hiking through some caves.

Leighton said...