Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time to stimulate...

... the economy. Got fat paid on Friday w/ Uncle Sams' 1200 bones. Wondering how everyone is planning on spending (or not spending) theirs. Our is going into stuff for the house - patio furniture and maybe something else if it stretches that far.


Leighton said...

Since I'm only getting $300...I'll probably just get a tank of gas:)

Alex said...

I'm still waiting for my check of about $1800, so I can put it in the bank. I think I might start an IRA and put the money in that. Or maybe I will blow it on hookers and booze...naw, I will probably go with the IRA.

I feel old.

Jae said...

wtf, do you have a wife and two kids we don't know about?? or do you get to declare your pets :)

Nick D said...

Yea I have no idea how you got that much Alex but congrats. I put $300 towards my credit cards and $300 of it towards bar's/restaurants/gift for my newly acquired girl friend. It was a very expensive weekend.

Eric said...

Our $1200 is paying for the rest of our honeymoon.

Andrew said...

I am getting $600 which should help replace the crater left by having to shell out more than $3,000 to the federal government and the city of DC last month. Those two checks were proof enough why I am a republican.

Adam said...

Mine already went into a plane ticket to Chicago, but seeing as I only made like $3,000 last year, it wasn't a huge return anyway. And I wasn't able to get the extra rebate because I'm not really a productive citizen. Glad to see other people are buying things. Hopefully this lil' scheme will pay off for the US.

Nick, what is this about newly acquired girlfriend??? She must be something if she gets a shout-out on the blog.

Nick D said...

Yea she is a awesome girl hopefully she will be around a while. I got saddled with a bday like right out of the gate though, I should have thought it through better.

Alex said...

I asked my sister if I could declare my dog and she said no! Drew you need to work on making that a tax exemption, so I will have more patients.

I am not exactly sure how I got so much, but my sister called me and told me how much to expect. I think it helps that Alabama taxes are low.

Adam said...

Aww, how cute. Well maybe when Allie and I are in NYC we can meet this lucky lady. Yeah you should have held off on being more serious until after the birthday for sure. I just feel sorry for the rest of the ladies in New York. They must all be very disappointed.

Nick D said...

Well IF/when you do, notice the IF, I am sure you will.

Yes well the flyer gets mailed out tomorrow to all the ladies, in the "next best option" category I inserted your name Rory so be prepared for a barrage of phone calls and emails.

Alex your name is in the "Guy you know most likely to make me a lesbo" category.


Logan said...

Nick, I talked to you yesterday and you didn't mention this. You must have been hungry and wanting to eat that chinese you ordered. Does this girlfriend have something to do with the new job and raise??? I would keep a close eye on her!

Nick D said...

I was starving Logan your right and that is a very good point, your a wise man.

Jae said...

ah nick, it's good to see you're extra acronym hasn't affected you're grammar skillz

Adam said...

I love it Jae. Sometimes I just feel bad for the kid. Maybe his new lady friend is an elementary school teacher and can help him with his grammar issues.

Leighton said...

Actually, I think I am going to use my stimulus check to buy a plane ticket to NYC for July 4th...if that is OK with the Nick of course.

Amanda said...

Uhh... I'm a student and therefore got a full refund, and therefore only got $318 for my fun refund. It was spent before I even got it :o(

Jae said...

ole, if you do that you will get to hang out w/ me and jenny. we will be there the 4th through the 7th. plan on staying with nick though so we may need to throw-down for sleeping space.

Nick D said...

Well you have seen my place leighton so you can be the judge of space, you know your welcome though.

Leighton said...

Cool, I think both Alex and I were coming up because we knew other people wold be up and it would be awesome! We might just throw down for a hotel or something...or crash on the floor if we can all fit...haha.

Adam said...

Yeah, i really think that you and Alex should get a hotel room. That way there is more room for me at Nick's place! =) I'm still not 100% sure what is going on that weekend, but I am hoping to take the bus down and join everyone. Should be lots of fun!

Nick D said...

Well this is quickly getting AWESOME, a hotel might have to happen here. I was thinking about giving the married couple my bed as long as they do not fornicate in it to much so that will help a little. Leighton can bunk with Joey, Alex can sleep with Drew (does not know him so it may be awkward at first, but it will be ok) which leaves me and Adam to the couch and the areo bed...done and done.

Alex said...

Hopefully, I will be able to adjust my work schedule to make it up for the 4th. How much money should I expect to burn while in the big city for a few days? Will Drew let me be the big spoon?

By the way, I was mistaken about the stimulus payment and assumed y'all were talking about tax refunds. Anyway, I got $600 to spend in NYC hopefully.

Nick, are you suggesting I might make you a lesbo? What has living with yankees done to you?

Adam said...

I hope we aren't spending $600 that weekend. I am borderline destitute, so, as always, I will be looking to spend as little cash as possible. I hate being a student. That being said, I am just along for the ride. You guys never get to come to NYC, so whatever you want to do is awesome. I am perfectly fine eating pizza for every meal.