Friday, May 16, 2008


Not to distract you from GTAIV for too long, but check out what we have to look forward to in November:

You can also download a high-definition version of this through Xbox Live Marketplace and the graphics look awesome.


Leighton said...

Sweet jesus that looks awesome! He picked that guy up and used him as a shield then snapped his neck...ridiculous! Can't wait till November.

Adam said...

Damn you all and your Xboxes! I am going to start a charity drive for the "Get Adam an Xbox Foundation."

Andrew said...

Charity for Adam? You have one, it is called your registry. I say you just put an Xbox 360 on there and see what happens.

Leighton said...

good idea Drew...can we do a group gift?

Alex said...

That is an excellent idea, Drew! An Xbox is a gift I could ceratinly feel good about dropping some cash on.

Adam said...

Oh my God, yes. I feel that is a highly appropriate wedding gift. I can't put it on my registry because my mom would probably kill me (as would Allie) but I say pool your resources. I'd rather have video games than a KitchenAid mixer any day. But a mixer is still pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Simply explain that it is a wedding registry, and if you can't put an xbox on it they can attempt to have the wedding without you. Put that foot down!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I like Chris's idea!

Jae said...

a 360 is a perfectly legit wedding present, hell that's how i got mine!

Adam said...

I should get married sooner. What was I thinking waiting so long?!?

Andrew said...

Yes well, the wait gives all of us ample time to convince you to not to get married. Just remember my rules:
1: Don't get married
2: Don't be a fool, wrap your tool
3: Don't fuck the interns
3A: If you are fucking them, don't stop till they leave
3B: Don't fuck someone who has less to lose than you.
4: I am very important and very busy
5: Stupidity runs rampant in this town (Washington DC)