Friday, May 16, 2008

Playin with Weiners,0,2769867.story?track=rss

Seriously? Apparently, the kids in the Phillipines are guinea pigs and don't count as human, so they allow Tim Tebow to perform surgery. I wasn't aware the Heisman Trophy gave you the right to perform a circumcision.


Jae said...

Okay, after we take a mission trip to an impoverished village and DON'T help with caring for the people in need (for whatever reason). THEN we can try to spin this story into something other than it is. Until then, however, he still seems like one of the best role models college football has had in a long time.

Adam said...

I couldn't get the link to work. With that limited knowledge, I don't see how gallivanting around the world chopping off infantile foreskin is a form of doing a good deed. It actually seems like having someone without knowledge of the procedure, or any other surgical concepts for that matter, would be doing more harm than good (i.e., infection, surgical complications, etc.)

It is a toss up on his role model status though. I think I would rather my kid grow-up and be Tom Brady with an illegitimate child and hot girlfriend than a weird home schooled super Christian who now apparently is a part time surgeon or rabbi or whatever.

Adam said...

Ok, got the article to work and am less concerned with Tebow's role in surgery. He was just cutting stitches and anyone can do that. The other people he was with though is frightening! What is this "aspiring doctor?" Is he in med school? Or is he just thinking about going? The other kid hasn't even started dental school and did dozens of extractions!! I mean, that is a major surgical procedure with loads and loads of complications.

This is why I don't like Christian missionaries. It is one thing to donate money and medicine but going down there and "playing doctor" is something completely different. I hope they didn't kill anyone. And I hope they got genital warts from the town catamite.

Alex said...

Careful, Bryan! The Gator fans will kill you if you speak poorly of Tim Tebow! What you should say is: Tim Tebow is a model human being that can perform painless circumcisions with his mind. Then smile awkwardly and back away before the nearest Gator fan chokes you with his gold chain without breaking a sweat in his cutoff jean shorts.

I guess Tebow being a stand up guy outweighs his teammate that used the credit card of his dead teammate's girlfriend.

Sorry Gators...couldn't resist!

Anonymous said...

Try and bash him all you want, but the truth is the kid went over there on his spring break to do missonary work. Can anyone think of any other high profile college football player that does that? In fact, all you basically hear about now is college athletes screwing up. I'd let Tebow circumcise Nick any day.

Nick D said...

Well if Tebow touches my penis I then will have proof he is gay since I am already chopped up, which is a big no no for him. I would gladly take that.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, Nick D. You would like Tim Tebow to touch your weiner to prove he is gay??? Ahhh, you gotta love that little son of a bitch's logic. You're crazy...I like you, but you're crazy man.