Thursday, May 08, 2008

Been neglecting the blog

(I'm just going to assume that I was missed terribly...) I haven't checked up on y'all in a few weeks due to finals and all that jazz, but I am now happy to report that I have gotten all A's this semester which brings by GPA to a 3.7. This follows my start at not one but two jobs... so I'm pretty high on life right about now. No need to boost my ego, I was just sharing :o) But I missed Taylor's intro and Nick's job change and everything so I feel quite out of the loop. Hi Taylor, congrats Nick, Logan's probably somewhere tropical, Fasoli boys went to weird schools... think I'm about caught up now! Haha, have a good weekend guys.


Adam said...

Glad to hear you are rocking exams. You should have gone to dental hygiene school and we could have worked together.

Jae said...

congrats peanut, welcome to the straight-a's club. members... two. dues are $50 and can be made payable to me :). it affords you the ability to use my name in the same sentence as your schooling when talking about exams and such. examples would be, "I totally Jae'd that exam!" or "I studied like a Jae for that one and still aced it." or "I'm so Jae and I don't even know it!"

Nick D said...

TheJ you just made my day. That was very Chuck Norris of you.

Thank you Amanda and congrats yourself.

Amanda said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll pay for that!

Chris said...

assuming you took 4 classes last semester that is officially 3 more A's than I received in my entire college career. Congrats and keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the introduction, and great job on your grades :)