Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stuff White People Like...

Had to post this link because it is cracking me up! Just click on any on the list to go to the blog entry.

Alex...might want to check #23 :)


Alex said...

Nice! I would love to own a brewery!

Actually, several things on that list are true for me. However, I do not like Barak Obama, could careless about organic foods, I am not really into Asian girls, and I think the New York Times is not worthy of wiping fecal matter off of my ass.

On the other hand, microbrewies, coffee, soccer, and New Balance shoes are bad ass.

Adam said...

My personal faves are music piracy, gentrification, and kitchen gadgets. That sums up most aspects of my life actually.

Eric said...

I especially liked the posts about t-shirts, expensive sandwiches, and wrigley field. These posts have just enough wit and sarcasm to be funny instead of insulting.

Andrew said...

That list is hipster heaven and I hate hipsters. I hate them even more than emo chicks. With that said, I am becoming a fan of New Balance, not that I have ever owned a single pair of their shoes, but mostly because I am now an official tester for New Balance. Hello free shoes and clothes.

Adam said...

How did you get in on that Drew? I like free sneakers.

Adam said...

Nevermind, I looked at the testing thing online and you have to give the shoes back once the test period is done. Maybe you have a special deal where they just give you free things. I want in on that.

Jae said...

#0 Lists

Andrew said...

It is a friend's sister who works for NB. I never actually looked at the rules for this, I just asked her to send me free shit and she said she would. If I have to return this crap I will be pissed.