Friday, June 29, 2007

Advice on living arrangements

I thought I would ask for y'alls opinion about living situations. I have two options I am considering heavily. One is a 3 bedroom/1 bathroom apartment with a kitchen and living room, and it was just remodeled. Downside is there are no washer/dryer hookups, but they have laundry rooms at the complex. The other option is a house that is 3 bedrooms/2.5 bathrooms with a fenced in backyard. The apartment is $550 per month and the house is $700 per month. I can keep my dog at both of them. The house is in a nice area of town and the apartment is in a nice area, but it is getting closer to a bad area of town. The house is about 10 miles from work and the apartment is only about one mile away from work. I am leaning toward the apartment right now because of the financial aspect.

Which one do y'all think would be better?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Btown what

Anyone else in btown this weekend? Cause I am.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

1080p help!!

Ok, I am supposed to be study for my immunology final which basically means that I have been researching HDTV's. I know I had posted stuff about this earlier but I have hit a wall and no one I know in Boston cares about crap like this.

My main question is if it is REALLY worth it for a 1080p LCD.

After listening to Chris, I looked at some DLP but they were freaking huge and the most my apartment will fit is a 42 inch set. Costco has the new Vizio 1080p but it has a shitty contrast ratio of 900:1 standard and 1800:1 dynamic, which worries me. It is under $1,000 which is where I need to be and there aren't really any other 1080p sets that cheap. I could, however, get the Vizio 42 inch plasma for only like $800 if it is still on sale. I like the 10,000:1 contrast ratio of the plasma and they seem to get higher ratings for trueness of color and sharper images.

Ok, so if anyone has anything informative, I would appreciate it.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Vet shortage

Alex, just saw on the local news that Arizona has a vet shortage. Based on the laws of supply and demand, that means more $ for you if you come out :).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

No More Stealing...

I finally ordered internet today from Comcast because they are running a great special of $19.99/month for 6 months. So XBOX LIVE here I come!! Post up your tags if you got one! I should be on sometime next week.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First choice said yes!

First I would like to say congratulations once again to Eric and Christina (Hooray, I get a sister! Hugs all around!). Secondly, I am proud to announce that I got my official acceptance letter to USF, providing I take undergrad biomechanics in the fall. I registered this morning, so it feels real enough for me to go ahead and let everyone know I'll be starting August 27th. From there it'll be about 5 semesters or so of seriously busting my ass and I will have my M.A. in Physical Education/Exercise Science. I'm also heavily considering a relocation closer to Tampa, but nothing's definite yet. I'll be sure to post with future news of my becoming a grown-up :o)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Big Announcement!

Christina and I got engaged on Saturday! I proposed on the secluded north end of Whitney Beach on Longboat Key (that's one of the uprooted trees behind us in the pictures). Yesterday we had both families over for a Father's Day dinner / mini-announcement party. Expect a date around Fall 2008!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

New TV

The rents surprised us yesterday w/ a trip to Costco (under the guise of a seafood purchase) to pick up this 46" Sony Bravia 1080p LCD behemoth.

Hooked it up in all of about 4 seconds and took a look at my first HD content on the 360.

mmmmmmm, pixels...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Cleaning the house

I'm throwing out all my old school stuff, any of the old roomates have any use for my Micro-p board? Also I found a 1 month free subscription to xbox live, first to claim it can have it.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Along those lines...

Did anyone else see this article on the first zero-emission home? Those crazy brits get all the fun.

Global warming video

Jared sent this to me, this is my kind of logic...

Interesting Argument About Global Warming - Watch more free videos

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dale turned to the Dark Side

Dale Earnhardt has just officially joined Hendrick motor sports. Meaning Dale will now be TEAMMATES with the wonder fag Jeff Gordon. This news is extremely difficult to take and all but makes my transition to a new driver complete. Jr has done nothing to earn all the supporters he has. God forbid he actually make the chase and be incontention for a damn championship. So a break down below will show who I will be rooting for from now on. Dale could win me back because, well his dad was a damn legend and one of my favorite people in sports of all time. I will never forget that sad day when dale died, me and leighton were in shock.

PS Douscher (Aaron) dropped a Dale Earnhardt garbage can down our garbage shoot a couple of days before the accident, me and leighton still partially blame aaron.

Nicks Nascar Allegiance

Tony "smoke" Stewart: 51%
Dale "jr" Earnhardt: 49%

Friday, June 08, 2007

New Phone #'s

Christina and I just got some new phone numbers (and some sharp looking tmobile dashes), so if you'd like them please email me at emoose77 (at) with your current phone number and I'll send ours to you. Failure to comply will result in deletion from my phonebook!! Seriously though, there's no way the numbers I have for most of you guys are correct, it's in serious need of an update.

Women drivers

My personal favorite:

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hey Alex -

Send me all those pics. Loganbeal at gmail dot come

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My first "mod"

I did my first motorcycle modification, for reference here's a good shot of the old turn signals & tail light.

I picked up an aftermarket tail-light w/ smoked plastic (rather than red) and integrated turn signals.

Here's a shot of the clear/smoked cover:
Here's a shot of them on (they glow brighter when the brake is applied):
Here's somewhat of a shot of the left turn signal on:

Here's a short super-high res clip of it in action:

Friday, June 01, 2007

What the Crap

This is the single most depressing article I have read in years. So long Loonie, oh How I have loved you and all that you brought to the table.