operation meat shield was in full swing yesterday. there were some strong 0-7 and 0-9 performances. it was def. a blast with a full team. we should pick a night that everyone gets on so we can continue the unbeaten streak.
I agree. The playing experience was infinitely better with a full team. I liked playing on Sunday afternoon too. Football season ends soon, so I'll need something to occupy my weekends.
Weak sauce
Man, I am pretty terrible at the game, but it is a ton of fun, especially when we have enough guys to make up an entire team.
operation meat shield was in full swing yesterday. there were some strong 0-7 and 0-9 performances. it was def. a blast with a full team. we should pick a night that everyone gets on so we can continue the unbeaten streak.
Drew just ask Rory I was horrible at the game like really really bad.
I agree. The playing experience was infinitely better with a full team. I liked playing on Sunday afternoon too. Football season ends soon, so I'll need something to occupy my weekends.
Sunday afternoons are good for me. My weeks can be a bit hectic, but I can make time for some Xbox live.
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