Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tebow is walking on thin ice

Very interesting that he is doing this. Not that I am totally opposed to the message, in moderation, but for someone who tries to have a squeaky image this is an interesting move.


Logan said...

Tebows image is about spreading the word of the Bible. What better way than in front of the largest TV crowd in the world? I don't have an issue with it.

Adam said...

Who knew being a Jesus freak could fetch you $4 million?! I'd be in an Obama ad for that much money!

Alex said...

I don't think it will affect his popularity. He is a classy kid with a good reputation. Plus football fans are not very likely to have a big group hug with the homosexual community any time soon.

However, he is going to have a lot of explaining to do when he and Meyer finally tie the knot.

Jae said...

i was wondering when the gay jokes would begin, the noles must not have checked the blog yet today.

Nick D said...

They are getting old I have been saying them for years.