Monday, January 18, 2010

Senate Seat

Drew what are your thoughts on the race tomorrow? Can the repub's pull that bad boy off, not knowing to much, but it seems to be huge as far as the whole health care battle rages on.


Andrew said...

My gut says no, but who really knows. The political junkies in the White House are starting to cover their ass by saying that Coakley is going to lose.
I would love to see Brown win that seat, get rid of the Super Majority, and finally be able to keep the dems in check.
But even if he wins, it could take a while for him to be confirmed by the folks in the state government, who could not possibly be happy to have a conservative in "Kennedy's Senate Seat."
I will wait to see what the turnout is like, to low and the GOP lose because the Dems have such a huge registration advantage. Too high and that means the Dems got everyone out. Has to be the perfect storm.
Also, if anyone says a close loss is a moral victory, tell them they are retarded. Moral victories are useless, winning is all that matterrs.

Jae said...

for the record, the terms "pushing through" and "bill" really send shivers down my spine.

Nick D said...

Thanks for the debrief Drew and yes it does jae

Nick D said... of the most liberal states in the union votes for a Republican...people upset much...and by by filibuster...

Andrew said...

Apparently my prediction was totally wrong. TUrnout was above 50%, but I will take the win. Nick you still cannot spell worth shit.

Nick D said...

Wow I mispelled it twice in two places...obviously I meant to do it