Sunday, January 10, 2010

Repaired 360

As many of you heard, Alex's 360 fell victim to the dreaded RROD. Instead of paying to get it fixed by Microsoft, he offered it up to me for a repair attempt while he got a new one. One heatsink modification and intentional overheat later... a working 360! Hopefully the fix will prove to be permanent.


Leighton said...

Alex told me about that last night when we were playing...nice to have you on xbox live finally!! are pretty talented Eric. I'm a 'mechanical' type of guy...hence the cars, but that computer stuff is pretty foreign to me.

Adam said...

Yeah that is awesome work! I can't believe that the red ring is actually a fixable problem. I wonder how long it will take to crap out again. Until then, start playing COD.

Andrew said...

Great. Another person who will be 100% better than me at this game. Operation Meat Shield out.

Jae said...

drew, have you played the single player yet? maybe playing that on veteran might help improve your game.

eric, while you were looking under bill gates skirt, did you add any sound dampening to the inside?

Eric said...

No, I didn't add any sound dampening since it would more than likely restrict airflow. If anything I probably made it louder b/c I had to drill some fairly large holes in the chassis for the motherboard to make room for the heads of the bolts I added.

You guys will see me on there as soon as Alex copies his data and I get his old hard drive. I guess I could always buy one...

Nick D said...

I installed a wireless printer yesterday...ballin shot callin.

Impressive enrique

Jae said...

i guess the transfer cable isn't free anymore, damn Micro$oft. Eric, you should buy a hard drive and then return Alex's once he gets his data transferred.

Andrew said...

I play the single player version, not the best at it, but I am getting better.

Adam said...

I find playing multiplayer helps get you better. You need to learn the maps and that helps immensely. Plus when you play multiplayer by yourself they won't pair you with people that have no life and play five hours a day... *throat clear*... Jae.

Nick D said...

Black leather gloves