Saturday, January 16, 2010

Race Day Tomorrow

Headin' up to Phoenix today, then race day is tomorrow. Wish us luck (and wish luck to Jae to beat Jenny)!


Nick D said...

Good luck to the both of you let me know how it goes

Jae said...

Official results were 2:00:10 for the both of us. That includes a short stretch break so my unofficial time puts us under the 2 hr mark. Overall it was slower than we were aiming for but 15 mins faster that our last go around.

As far as after-run soreness this time is much better than last time. Probably a combination of being in better shape and being more pro-active about icing and stretching.

As predicted, my mom signed up for the text message updates :).

Nick D said...

Congrats man under 2HR is pretty solid I would be proud of that for sure. Now you say the both of us, but I know one person prob beat the other by about a second so who was it?