Friday, January 22, 2010

This is for you Alex


Figured you'd like that. OK so it didn't go directly to the pic in reference, but scroll'll see what I'm talking about.


Amanda said...

I got nothing... although they are all funny. Help me out here Logan and/or Alex - need an explanation!

Jae said...

i haven't checked it out since i am guessing this is nsfw. will have to check it out later.

Alex said...

You must be referring to the Alabama fans posing with their title trophy on the next page.

I saw the pictures on the Auburn board that I read and they certainly speak volumes.

I wish you guys could live in north Alabama for a little while to fully experience the mullet nation. Nothing like a toothless, mullet toting, meth head telling you that you must not be too smart if you went to Auburn. However, most of them shut up when you ask them when they went to Alabama or if they can spell Tuscaloosa.

Amanda said...

Ah, but of course. Pretty ashamed I didn't catch that actually. Must have been because it wasn't a very surprising picture to see among "the people of Wal Mart," lol.

On a somewhat unrelated note - Jae I don't know what nsfw means. I got a whole new set of problems now.

Jae said...

here you go amanda

by the way, the picture in question has now moved onto page 15 instead of the one logan linked.

Amanda said...

Aahahaha, I absolutely cannot believe that 1.) that is an established acronym, and 2.) it has earned itself a wikipedia page. I burst out laughing when I opened that link. Thanks for clearing that up Jae :)

Andrew said...

Those people are like the great folks of Oriskany Falls outside of Utica. It is like North Alabama moved to UpState. Great contrast to the kids at Colgate.