Monday, January 11, 2010

There's some sad truth to this...

Online Gamer Plays Monopoly - Watch more Funny Videos


Eric said...

yep, I've heard nearly all of that while playing mw2. The only thing they left out from my experiences are the people that yell at non-english speaking players for not speaking english. I think that may be a PS3 only issue though.

Jae said...

is that like listening to an entire pre-game conversation in spanish and then alex waiting until right before the game starts when the convo winds down to sarcastically say... "que?"

Alex said...

Haha! That is a good time! Most of the time the Mexicans or whatever start right back up.

I loved the part of the video where the dude starts yelling "lag!"

Leighton said...

haha...nice post Jae...sad but true.

Andrew said...

Yea, I started saying shit like that in conversations recently. Not good. Although I am going to work on getting the term "nube tube" into a political ad this year.

Jae said...

since i personally vote based solely on the number of noob tube references in a campaign i think that is a politically golden idea drew.

Adam said...

Honestly guys that isn't very realistic. His voice would have to be at least 5 pitches higher for that to be true.

It is amazing how video games bring one to swear excessively though...

Andrew said...

FYI - I played last night with my friend Joe. First game with a 1,000 points. And the first time I did not have more deaths than kills, 8 0 8.

Adam said...

Joe must really suck too. Call me when you guys play. Maybe I will be able to do well for once too!

Jae said...

Alex & I hooked up w/ some other guys I know from work and played a 10-player private match (I think it was on Sunday). It was really fun apart from not counting towards experience. This might be another way to improve our game with the added bonus of being able to yell at the person that killed you.

Also, I bet if we start playing domination where our strategy is to assign people to areas (i.e. Jae, Adam -> A, Alex, Drew -> B, etc) we would do really well since we would spend far less time running between locations.

Leighton said...

Since we have a full team, we really should start strategizing a bit. I'm thinking 3 teams of 2, and do what Jae said and take areas. Of course we need to be paired-up by skill level.