Wednesday, May 28, 2008

July 4th New York Thread

Ok everybody I just want to get a gauge of who is coming that weekend so we can make any plans necessary. Please rate your chances of coming below.

1) Tickets have been bought, have the beer ready to flow
2) I am actively looking for tickets and the chances are good
3) I am looking but will only come if I see a really good deal
4) Pulling a Nick move and say maybe but really I am not coming
5) No shot in hell, joining Rory in btown

I have a feeling this could be a great weekend join up if you can.

Nick D, CPA

Monday, May 26, 2008

new car!

On Thursday, we decided to plan on going today to buy a new car to get rid of Mike's cause it was getting to that scary stage. Well ironically, Thursday afternoon Mike's car was totaled. He's ok, just a little sore still, but we actually made out. We got double what his car was worth, plus money for pain and suffering. So we're gonna use some money to fix up our other car, and we were able to put a little down on this one. Its a 2008 Nissan Sentra 2.0 S. We lucked out because we almost ended up with a gray or black car, but as I was looking at the black one saying, "I don't want black, I want blue... I want blue... I don't want a boring color again..." a guy drove up a blue one right off the delivery truck. We ended up getting the fully loaded version (since that's what the blue one was) instead of the standard one we were planning on through USAA, for only like $400 more. Plus a free tint job. Plus free extended warranty. Yay! It has keyless entry, blue tooth, and a bunch of other non-needed but cool features. Here's a few pics:

So, as Nick would say... I'm so "exited"!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Is Back

Here's a taste...

Fox Thursdays 8/7c

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stuff White People Like...

Had to post this link because it is cracking me up! Just click on any on the list to go to the blog entry.

Alex...might want to check #23 :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beer and B'town

I thought some of you could appreciate a well stocked fridge. I seem to have developed a bad habit. If I see a beer with an alcohol content greater than 6% that I have not tried, I tend to buy it. Ashley thinks that I have gone overboard, but I think I can still make room for more.

I also thought I should let everyone know that I will be in Bradenton this weekend. I should be in town on Friday afternoon until Monday morning. So, give me a call if you are in town and want to get a beer.

By the way, beer is good!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Not to distract you from GTAIV for too long, but check out what we have to look forward to in November:

You can also download a high-definition version of this through Xbox Live Marketplace and the graphics look awesome.

Playin with Weiners,0,2769867.story?track=rss

Seriously? Apparently, the kids in the Phillipines are guinea pigs and don't count as human, so they allow Tim Tebow to perform surgery. I wasn't aware the Heisman Trophy gave you the right to perform a circumcision.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time to stimulate...

... the economy. Got fat paid on Friday w/ Uncle Sams' 1200 bones. Wondering how everyone is planning on spending (or not spending) theirs. Our is going into stuff for the house - patio furniture and maybe something else if it stretches that far.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Been neglecting the blog

(I'm just going to assume that I was missed terribly...) I haven't checked up on y'all in a few weeks due to finals and all that jazz, but I am now happy to report that I have gotten all A's this semester which brings by GPA to a 3.7. This follows my start at not one but two jobs... so I'm pretty high on life right about now. No need to boost my ego, I was just sharing :o) But I missed Taylor's intro and Nick's job change and everything so I feel quite out of the loop. Hi Taylor, congrats Nick, Logan's probably somewhere tropical, Fasoli boys went to weird schools... think I'm about caught up now! Haha, have a good weekend guys.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Inter-collegiate Quidditch?

I just saw this on E:60... Adam, please explain...

From Middlebury's website, on YouTube, and the Wall Street Journal?

This just might be the gayest thing I've ever seen.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I wasn't sure if anybody would want to get together or meet up somewhere for the weekend? I will have May 30th through June 2nd off from work and I could travel on the night of May 29th if needed.

I don't mind traveling, and I figured that it could be a good opportunity for some of us to get together since I haven't seen most of you in awhile.

I know it is somewhat short notice but I thought I would throw it out there. So, let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas.

Job Change for Nick D

Well folks the life and times of Nick D at AIG will come to an end in two weeks. I have been doing some job searching for the last few months and decided to make a change. I will still be working in the insurance industry, but will be working with a company called QBE. They are an Australian based firm who are expanding into the America's and Asia. It should be a good opportunity because the company is growing and looking to continually expand and add good people. Of course there is a substantial pay raise in it for me which was one of my main goals after passing my CPA. I will be getting a 40% increase in base pay as well as still earning OT which is awesome. My position is also eligible for a 15% target bonus come year end. So needless to say I am very excited and it should allow me to live much more comfortable in this very expensive city. This company has no idea what they are getting themselves into...suckers. Have a good weekend everybody.

Nick D....out

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Dropbox Beta

I just received my invite to join the dropbox beta. It's an app for PC and mac that seamlessly syncs everything between all computers that you install it on. I've got it set up at home, work, and on my laptop. Folders can also be shared between users and all changes are synced between them as well. Check out the video at and see if you'd like to join. I have 10 invitations, so let me know if you're interested in using this.