Monday, October 30, 2006

Our scary Halloween costumes

Yea im not the one with the fake boobs and plastic surgery. The girls costumes were great in this city.

I am on the right there with my roomate Drew on the left.

Other people go for funny not us baby.

Nick scary mother fucker D...out

Sunday, October 29, 2006

2-Bits In Action

Mr. 2-Bits in full effect at the party Saturday night. It's a good thing there are pictures, becuase I blacked out and don't remember half of the night.

New Television

So yesterday Carla and I bought a new 56" 1080p HDTV. I am uploading a picture for Jae to drool over as requested. While we were at it we also bought the full surrond sound. College football is sweet!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sweet Victory

I'm not talking about the Gators as you might expect, I'm talking about those Beavers. Hells ya to opening up the flood gates... Discuss

Friday, October 27, 2006

Another one bites the Dust

Happy Birthday to B Lieghton. Or as he used to be called LunchBox. He is now 25 remember if you need to feel young hang around alex i think he is 27 already. Bwahaha. I will certainly have a few BDay drinks for you tonight sir. Have a very scary weekend. Sorry for the cheap shot Alexis had to do it, it was for good purposes.

Nick D...still 24yr and loving it

College Basketball Poll

Well congrats to UF on being ranked number 1. Although in the past this has been a bit of a jinks for the Gaytors they should be nasty this year. Returning the whole starting lineup with a potential of 2 top 10 draft picks. Repeat Repeat should be the word down there. As for FSU we have a stupid hard schedule as of now. This could change because as all know pre-season rankings are at best worthless. In back to back to back games we play. #1 UF, at #5 Pitt,at #9 Wisconsin. Then throw in Duke and UNC later on. That is 5 out of the top 11 teams in the nation. Then throw in the normal grueling ACC schedule and if we dont make the tourny this year its because we got our asses beat and not because of our Strength of schedule. Due to the fact we have nobody taller then 6'9 on our team playing UF scares the shit out of me. We normally put up a fight. But Noah and Hartford should have a field day with us. Hopefully our boy Thorton can man up and be the Pre-Season All American he was picked to be. FSU was picked to finish 5th in the ACC our 3rd highest preseason selection ever..haha. UF was picked to be one of the first teams in forever to have a GRRRREAT shot at repeating. Hopefully it will be a good year for both our teams. FSU just wants to go dancing with UF. Oh and the LeCavs open up the NBA season on Wedn. be sure to watch my boy LEBRON throw it down nasty style. Here it now 30 points 11 reb 10 assists 2 steals and 1 block.

"chance favors the prepared mind"

Nick D.........OUT

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Halloween Preview

Here's my costume as of tonight, all I have to do is spray my hair white, get a sign and a whistle. I've included a second picture for comparison.

Oh hell yeah, I'm Mr. 2-Bits... I don't care if no one is going to know who I am at the party we're going to, because this is freaking dead on!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tonight at 6pm Eastern

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that at exactly 6pm, Danny Harold Rolling will be executed by lethal ejection. For those of you do not remember, he was the gentleman who murdered 5 people in Gainesville in the fall of 1990. His life will be ended in the same chamber in Starke Florida that Ted Bundy, who as you may or may not know murdered a number of students at FSU, was electrocuded in in 1989. Just thought you would all want to know since many of you are Florida Gators.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Vegas Pics

As requested, here's some select pictures from the Vegas trip in video form. Sorry, but there are no pics from the Zumanity show, becuase: (1)pictures weren't allowed, and (2)it may qualify this blog as a softcore porn website. BTW Jae, there was no wang.

Monday, October 23, 2006

ie 7

Jae, or anyone else who knows,
I downloaded the ie 7 and some of my old webpages dont work right. Where can I get that thing that tricks the webpages into working. I know Jae had sent to me me a long time ago.

FSU Nation doing a little headhunting...

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I just wanted to say thanks to everybody that made it to Tally for the game! I had a great time and it was awesome seeing all you guys again. It has been too long between reunions! Anyway, I am definitely pumped about next month so I can see everyone again...including the UF crowd...even though you guys are going to stomp the shit out of us! I think we need to make a rule...a MINIMUM of one reunion a year. Be it a football game, holidays in Btown...whatever...we need to do it. Just my .02. Later!

Friday, October 20, 2006


For everybody who is going I hope you guys have an awesome time and take advantage of the fact your in vegas. I know for sure I can count on Jae sitting his ass at the craps table all night and getting free drinks. Josh I think I will need your help on this request. Please make sure eric "the horn dog" gets to see some boobies. He might resist at first josh but just use ur will or some liquor either way. And my next request should come pretty easy I want you guys to hit up a cheap as hell all you can eat buffet. Im talking like National Lampoon Vegas Vacation style you know what im talking about. And lastly if time permits maybe take in a show. Lets review order of importance.
1. Drinking/Gambing - they go hand in hand
2. Exotic Dancers or Ladies of the night
3. All you can eat buffet
4. Celion Dion
And remember if your losing some money and your in the hole put all your remaining money on red. Somebody do me a favor and play some ROO ROO and put a couple dollars on number 8. I will split the winnings with ya. Have a safe trip and live it up.

PS I love friday work days...they sure beat the 16hr shift i pulled yesterday

Nick D

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Calling Drew!

Ok Drew...WHAT THE FUCK? First Mark Foley blames alcohol and enters rehab (if I remember correctly), and if THAT wasn't enough of an excuse to be a boy-hunting pedophile (because that is I want to do when I, now he is claiming to have been molested by a priest when he was a boy. All I can say is give me a fuckin break. This is why I hate politics and Hollywood...NO ACCOUNTABILITY! He is pulling every excuse in the book trying to get sympathy, and make excuses. I want to hear your opinion Drew...being the PR guy that you are...I gotta hear this. This really pisses me off by the case you couldn't tell. FUCK POLITICS and FUCK Mel Gibson!

Monday, October 16, 2006


I am just going to put it out there and say who is bringing what to the party. I want everyone wasted, I am talking fear and loathing wasted. I want dead hooker in the shower wasted. I would like a detailed list of our assorted liquor cabinets so I can fill in the obvious deficiencies. We were thinking of bringing Parrot Bay and maybe some Myer's Dark rum to mix it up a bit!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

SEC Excuses

Let me start by saying I am in favor of a playoff system just as much as the next guy. Reading these posts seems like two teams who are upset that they lost and essentially lost all hopes of a national title. I agree the SEC is very tough this year but let us all not forget that LSU did win the BSC championship a couple of years ago. And by all means Auburn caught some bad luck 2 yrs ago with a great season. So I dont quite follow all this bitching and moaning. Plain and simple you need to have a sick ass team to get to the title game not just good to very good teams like AU and UF are. And lets not forget the SEC has a .500 winning percentage in bowl games the last 2 yrs. If the conference is the best in the world by far every single year according to the SEC teams then why is there bowl record not reflecting that. Now im not bashing your two teams clearly you have good teams and im not claiming FSU is anything but average this year. This is just what it seems like to fans not from the self proclaimed best conference in the world. Good luck with the rest of your seasons. Except for UF the day the J's get married. NICK D.....OVER AND OUT

War Eagle

Some clarification requested by Amanda. I got this off Wikipedia, and it is the same story I had been told previously.

The story dates back to the Civil War. According to the legend, a soldier from Alabama was the sole Confederate survivor of a bloody battle. Stumbling across the battlefield, he came across a wounded young eagle. The bird was named Anvre, and was cared for and nursed back to health by the soldier. Several years later the soldier, a former Auburn student, returned to college as a faculty member, bringing the bird with him. For years both were a familiar sight on campus and at events. On the day of Auburn's first football game in 1892 against the University of Georgia, the aged eagle broke away from his master during the game and began to circle the field, exciting the fans. But at the end of the game, with Auburn victorious, the eagle fell to the ground and died.

Saying "War Eagle" may seem odd to other schools, but we love it and it is unique to Auburn. If an Auburn fan is present anywhere and you say it, you should get a response.

AU 27, UF 17

I thought I would continue the recent trend and submit this game for discussion. It sure was a great game! I hope everyone is doing well. War Eagle!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Living Large

Sorry to break up the Logan post fest he has going here but I am going to be living large tonight in some sweet seats for the Mets playoff game. I will be about 4-8 rows behind the Mets dugout for tonights game. My roomate Drew got them from work and said they are selling for about $750. It is going to be a chilly night out and I am not even a fan of the Mets or Cardinals but hell how can you pass up tickets like that. Look for me on the tube I plan on catching a foul ball. Nick D in the Big Apple....OUT

For all you fantasy sports addicts

Like Nick.....

Here is something my company just unveiled on Wed. It is part revolution, part team-based league, part community, Pro Team Golf League is a whole new concept for fantasy golf. Members will guide the fates of professional golfers through regularly scheduled match play contests. It's a hub for fantasy gamers, professional golfers, and sports enthusiasts. A place where you can have a real-world impact on a professional team match.

Its pretty cool I think


Thursday, October 12, 2006


For those of you who have not heard......

Jeremy Marlar passed away this morning. He was battling cancer. Services are Saturday in Bradenton.

RIP Jeremy

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

World Series of Golf everyone should check this out. My company is doing the online stuff for them and the ecommerce store (not up yet). Its gonna be on NBC next May.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Friday after Thanksgiving

Drew's post just reminded me that my mother wanted me write a post regarding the Friday after Thanksgiving. She was looking into reserving the clubhouse at Covered Bridge (where they live) for said day. If everyone/anyone is interested in coming that morning/afternoon to hang out, swim, eat, tennis, bball, get an early start drinking, etc, leave a comment to this post. If there are enough "yes" answers to make it worthwhile, I'll let her know to go ahead and reserve it, otherwise, no harm, no foul.

Thanksgiving Weekend

Okay, I was on the phone with my mother yesterday and she asked me about Thanksgiving and if we were going to be using the Beach House. I told her that I assumed we would be using it atleast once, but she kind of wanted a more definitive answer. She is cool with us crashing out there as much as we need, just so long as we don't destroy the place. I am home mid-day on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, so if we want to start boozing at the beach at 2pm on Tuesday we can. So lets discuss. 29 Days till election day. 32 Days till I drown my sorrows in Boston.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

NC State 24, FSU 20


Thursday, October 05, 2006


Well, it has taken me only two short months to be the man at Capital Markets Cooperative. This week they announced my promotion from Rate Lock Analyst to Trade Support Analyst...meaning i am in the trading room now where the action happens. I worked with five other people, all with seniority over me, but that doesn't matter because I school all of them! MWAHAHA! My first review (90 day) is towards the end of this me the money bitches!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A new kind of tatoo?

Just saw this on Myspace... it's called scarification. Thought a handful of you (Bryan) might find this interesting. It's facinating and nauseating at the same time. I'll tell you guys right now though, do not watch this if you have a weak stomach. I mean I can watch surgery on the Discovery Channel and this still gave me chills. The things some people will do...

About Tattoos ... - video powered by Metacafe

A Quick Study On Sorting Alphanumeric Values

For all the smarty-pants out there:
An interesting question came up at work today... What is the easiest way to sort alphanumeric values? Simply, for example, ABC1C goes before RST2B. The problem is, what do you do with HIJ100A? (These values are arbitrary) Sorting as you normally would, comparing values left to right, this value would go in the middle of the list, but it should really be at the end. The solution agreed upon was looking at the values as Base 36, converting them to decimal for the sorting, and converting them back to Base 36 when finished. I'm interested to see what other creative ideas you guys can come up with to solve this problem with similar (or greater) efficiency. Discuss.

Monday, October 02, 2006

UF Prof Teaches Class Stoned

Anyone else see this story?

I actually had that guy from Principles of Management. Be sure to check out the video.