Monday, September 28, 2009

When is everyone getting in town

For Alex's wedding?


Andrew said...

I am arriving Friday morning around 11am into Sarasota International Airport.

Jae said...

the j's get in late thurs / early friday (like 12:30 am or something) into tampa.

those of you not working friday, give me a call to hang out.

Adam said...

Yeah, Allie and I get in at like 10pm on Thursday. I was thinking about going to the beach on Friday if anyone is interested. Can't wait to see everyone!!

Nick D said...

I should get in Thursday afternoon/night. So I am definitely up for something Friday...beach/lunch/pool/just hanging out.

Leighton what is your plan?

Leighton said...

I'll be in Thursday night as well, and pending any wedding stuff we have to do...I'll be down for whatever.

Nick D said...

I will give you a buzz Leighton to see if we can't combine the Jville to Btown trip.

Andrew said...

You two can pleasure each other on the way down. That is so cute...ghee

Adam said...

Yeah, pool could be a lot of fun too. We are down for whatever.

Jae said...

if the weather permits, i'm sure jenny would like to do the beach.

Leighton said...

yeah, let me know Nick and you can ride with me.

I'm down for some pot rock.

Jae said...

is that like a combination of pot and crack? sounds deadly

Josh said...

I will get in Friday AM. We also have Cristina's beach house. Adjacent to many fine drinking establishments, and 5 beds to sleep it off. If anyone needs a place to stay let me know. Also adjacent to a very nice beach.