Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Assassin's Creed 2

Very excited about this game...I was big fan of the first.

BTW Rory...I beat Batman last night...awesome game!! Now I'm going back and solving all the riddles...220/240...almost done.


Jae said...

cool, i never played the first but always meant to. i wonder if this has enough explanation built in so that i don't have to catch up.

what's this batman game?

Leighton said...

I'm not really sure how much this game ties into the first as it takes place in a different time period than the first. However, knowing what I know about the first, I'm sure it is a continuation of the overall story line (revealed in the first). I say rent the first Jae.

Batman game as in Arkham Asylum...best superhero game ever made.