Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Jae, What's with all the new ads? Are you trying to make money off us? :)


Adam said...

Yeah seriously! I thought people were posting really strange links for a little while there. I hope this isn't a permanent thing...

Leighton said...

Pretty annoying...I noticed it too.

Jae said...

only if you click them ;). there have always been ads on here. i changed to format recently. the fact that you notice them now is a good thing.

Leighton said...

Damn he IS trying to make money off us!

Logan said...

No one should ever click them. That way the ads are a waste on there!

Jae said...

there are actually less ads now than there used to be. there used to be one between each post. now there is one every three posts. i just changed the size of it to one that is more popular. this new size seems to show more image advertisers which is probably why you have noticed.

Alex said...

Well, Jae, I am willing to start clicking for a small fee.

Maybe, a small percentage will suffice.

Jae said...

ha, that's against the terms of service alex ;). i can't suggest that you click on an ad or compensate you for clicking on an ad. of course, i do have the ability to track who clicks. and as a completely separate issue, i do know when everyones birthday is :).

Adam said...

No sir, I don't like it.

Andrew said...

I like that idea Jae. You also should tell us each month who has the most clicks. Since my job is utterly useless right now, all I will do is click so I can win.

Nick D said...

This is bullshit