Thursday, September 03, 2009

Crazy Morning

Link is in the title.

As I was driving to work this morning. I was stopped at the light and witnessed this accident. Really fucked up. Sounded like a plastic garbage can filled with water was hit. The biggest reason why I hate walking in DC are Metro Buses, they totally disregard all the traffic laws.


Jae said...

so i am guessing the pedestrian didn't "jog out into the street" like the article says?

we get pedestrians struck all the time here, but it's because they refuse to use crosswalks.

Andrew said...

I mean she technically did jog out there, but she has the right of way. It was more just poor writing on the part of the author of the article.

Andrew said...

They were also wrong because the bus was definitely turning onto Florida Ave from Connecticut. I still cannot get the image of the girl getting hit and the sound out of my head, very disturbing.