Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Dinky!


Jae said...

happy birthday ror-doggy dog

Nick D said...

Happy Bday bro, another one bites the dust and turns 28

Amanda said...

Wow... I'm sorry I don't have an awesome and embarrassing nickname for you Rory, but happy birthday nonetheless :)

Andrew said...

Happy Birthday Rory.

Leighton said...

Happy Birthday buddy!! Try not to make out with any strippers during your celebration.

Alex said...

Happy Birthday, Rory!

Rory said...

Thanks fellas (and Amanda)! Bryan, shut your mouth! Haha.

Jae said...

can't say i was there, but sounds like rory should be the one keeping his mouth shut! ;) s.t.delicious!

Eric said...

Happy Birthday, Rory. Wow, Bryan really let that one fly!

Andrew said...

I think that during the wedding festivities the people who did not attend the Key West excursion should be told this story. We will keep it off the interweb to allow for some plausible deny-ability or CYA.

Leighton said...

What!? I never once made a reference to the Key West guys are the ones that gave it away. I was just saying, 'in general', don't make out with strippers during your celebration. I didn't say 'again' or 'this time'...I'm innocent on this one:)

Jae said...

ha! talk about cya. we're all highly educated individuals here capable of connecting the dots.

Logan said...

Why would he make out with a stripper? Is that something you do on your birthdays Bryan?

Andrew said...

Yea Bryan, you sound like a politician...and I like it.

Nick D said...

I believe the song goes "No making out in the champagne room, for fear of herpes" so I could not imagine Rory doing that.

A Dink a dinka do...I Luv you!

Jae said...

i am with drew that an offline dump of the festivities is in order at the wedding. no matter how much booze it takes to get it out of you.

Rory said...

How quickly rumors fly. Haha. Strippers are funny

Adam said...

Wow, I miss the blog for one morning and look at all this chatter! Happy Birthday Rory. My Dad said he just put a fresh keg in the kegerator in the game room at our house, so I think once we get through that the stories about the bachelor party should come flowing right out.

Amanda said...

Allow me to digress from the dirty skank conversation for a second - has anyone watched the preview for the movie that's under this post? It looks pretty hilarious. Weird, but hilarious.

Jae said...

not sure which movie you are talking about

Andrew said...

The Clooney movie about CIA mind assassins? Yes it looks completely crazy and hilarious. So my guess is that it will actually suck.

Chris said...

Happy Birthday