Friday, September 04, 2009

Vegas Odds as of 5:30PM on Friday

Ok here are the odds that I found lets see how good we are.

Auburn - 13.5
FSU - 6
UF - 55 ( I could not find one for the life of me so I made this up)

Sorry Drew as for Colgate I have no clue.....


Nick D said...

1) FSU Beats the Spread
2) UF Beats the spread
3) Auburn wins, but does not cover.

Colgate wins.

Chris said...

fsu by 2 TD's based on my hatred of all things Miami

uf doesn't beat the spread the backups go in in the 2nd quarter(the spread I heard is 63 points)

auburn doesnt beat the spread

Andrew said...

FSU Wins but does not cover
Auburn wins but does not cover
Last I heard that line in the UF game was nearly 70 points, so they win but do not cover.
Colgate wins, obviously.

Andrew said...

Also, I am not sure if you know this, but the Colgate game is the first night home game in CU history. Andy Kerr Stadium will be lit up and half empty.

Alex said...

I agree with Nick's picks, if I go with a spread of 55 for UF. If the spread is 70 then I am going with UF does not cover.

I have no idea what to expext out of my Auburn Tigers considering the new coaching staff. However, I will hope for some fireworks since I will be at the game.

Nick D said...

Well looks like UF beat my spread of 55, but if it was truly 63 they did not...either way a romp.

Congrats to Auburn and Colgate....VICTORY