Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday Night (Post Dinner)

The Real Deal called me and suggested we should all try to party it up/hang out Friday night. This came about because of Josh mentioning about Christina's beach house. Not knowing any idea where the house is it might be fun to all get together someplace to hang out and possibly spend the night. First question is to Josh, where is the beach house? Also, spoke to Adam and he mentioned maybe his beachhouse/house. We do not have to do anything just wanted to get a consesus on what people think or if everybody would rather just sleep comfortably in their own bed. Let me know what you all think?

PS This excludes Rory because he is a little beotch.........(Nick D > rory)

Monday, September 28, 2009

When is everyone getting in town

For Alex's wedding?

For Nick

My favorite is the guy with absolutely no reaction.

Wedding help

I thought I would ask for the blog's help with some song choices. The DJ needs to know 50 songs that we want to here. So let me hear some ideas.

By the way, Nick, we are going to have to veto any songs by ICP and 2 Live Crew.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


So apparently FSU is the most inconsistent team in the country. I am tired of Bowden I want him gone for one reason and one reason only. I want to see if head coach in waiting Jimbo Fisher really has it, I am so tired of this shit. Our defense actually played good for the most part and then comes our offense with 4 turnovers. I am sick of this shit. Well this loss sucks balls, but in the grand scheme of trying to get to the ACC championship it does not matter. Whatever.

Wow did Tebow get laid the fuck out that was great ( I mean I hope is not hurt) not really I could care less. Looks like he probably as a concussion I could see him missing a game depending on who you are playing.

Auburn is a offensive juggernaut apparently and your defense is not, but hey 4-0 is 4-0.


okay, why the hell were all the houston fans giving the shocker at the end of the game???

Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Chat

For those of you (like me) that spend every Saturday sitting on the couch with your laptop in hand watching the games, I added a new chat widget in the sidebar that will let everyone chat in real-time. No registration necessary as anyone can log-in as a guest. Let the real-time smack talking begin (on that note, go bulls).

nom nom

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

[L] Immortality in the Pipeline

I wonder what this will do to social security...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

congrats to all

looks like everyone's team came out with a W. i was only able to catch the auburn and florida games, but i saw a few fsu clips and from what the announcers said it looked like the old school noles. were you guys able to catch the game on ppv or something?

i have a big byu fan in the office next to mine so i will be sure to rub it in a little bit.

yesterday's uf game is the kind of game that shortens my lifespan. i know all the hype had us winning by a huge margin, but you gotta expect a different ut team to show up at the swamp than anywhere else. i'm with nick that their qb is terrible, but their rb is ba (respect).

having nothing to gloat about to anybody else is kind of boring, but at least usc lost so i can sleep soundly at night.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Anybody seen the movie Varsity Blues

Well apparently Tebow has...what a fag...30 min for the rest of our lives....bwahaha....he gets negative motivational points for that.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

College Football Week 3

Well we finally passed the boringness of week 2 now on to some bigger tests for our teams. UF gets to lay the smackdown on Tennessee like normal, but this time it will be even better. I would say do not take the Vols lightly, but they have a crap QB and have not looked good at all. Auburn gets to test its undefeated record against WVU. This game could be really good I really have no idea what to expect. Both teams have looked pretty decent, winner of this one will probably jump into the top 25. Good Luck Alex.

Now for the Noles who looked pretty dang good in Week 1 then looked pretty dang awful in Week 2. I think week 2 was just a pure and simple let down I am not putting to much stock in it, although everybody else is. BYU has only allowed ONE offensive touchdown on the year so it should be interesting to see how we do. I expect us to put up some points because Ponder is looking great this year and we have a big advantage speed wise against there DB's. However, Max Hall (BYU QB) has also been looking great. I am very worried about FSU secondary let's just be clear about that and they will put up some points.

Still even though BYU is rated #7 in the nation and have beat OK I expect FSU to put forth a good showing. Oh yes you heard it here FSU will win and hopefully should jump back into the bottom of the polls or come close doing so. I know I am a sucker, but I think this FSU team is decent. Hopefully they come out and show it. This week is do or die in my mind for our team. So we shall see.....oh yea and for Colgate I have no clue sorry, but hopefully they dominate!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

[L] PF Chang's 1/2 Marathon

Jenny and I just registered for the P.F. Chang's 1/2 marathon in Phoenix on Jan 17th(the same one we did before). This is a really fun race for all skill levels. Free place to stay for anyone else that wants to run this with us. I know some of you have run shorter races and some of you have done 1/2's before. A group run would be a total blast!

Monday, September 14, 2009

MNF = Crap

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say mike & mike in the morning + steve young is the worst combination of sports announcers in the history of the game. Anyone else watching this SD v OAK game and not think they would be better off with two pencils in their ears?

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Based on the drunk calls and picture messages, I'd say a good time was had this weekend. Any details or tall stories that can be leaked for our entertainment?

Friday, September 11, 2009

[L] The short answer?


... btw, i'm going to try a new system where i put [L] in the title if it is a link rather than posting "link in title". we'll see if it sticks.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Some intro: Jenny and I went up to Flagstaff this past weekend with our friends Adam and Emilie. They were great hosts and showed us around town to all their old haunts. Adam's brother and sister-in-law have an awesome gymnastics academy that they were nice enough to let us break ourselves in. Hilarity ensued.

Jenny's turn:

You Know You're a 90s Kid If

I just sang the entire fresh prince of bel air song, sad.

Assassin's Creed 2

Very excited about this game...I was big fan of the first.

BTW Rory...I beat Batman last night...awesome game!! Now I'm going back and solving all the riddles...220/240...almost done.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Take a second look

After zooming in on the new tat we find what Jae was looking for.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Vegas Odds as of 5:30PM on Friday

Ok here are the odds that I found lets see how good we are.

Auburn - 13.5
FSU - 6
UF - 55 ( I could not find one for the life of me so I made this up)

Sorry Drew as for Colgate I have no clue.....

New Car

So everyone else is showing off their new cars so I figured I would show mine off. I bought it 2 weeks ago, it' a 2005 Cadillac CTS

He finally did it!!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Crazy Morning

Link is in the title.

As I was driving to work this morning. I was stopped at the light and witnessed this accident. Really fucked up. Sounded like a plastic garbage can filled with water was hit. The biggest reason why I hate walking in DC are Metro Buses, they totally disregard all the traffic laws.

College Football Week 1 starts...TODAY!!

Well it is finally here and I am sure we are all excited. We have some nice matchup's with the ACC v SEC which could prove to be pretty big and provide some good sh*t talking.A win by either Bama or VT proves they are legit and well a loss hurts bad. As far as NC State v USC they are both middle of the pack teams in our conferences and will just be a good matchup I think.

UF has a cake walk and Auburn's first game is not much harder so I would say good luck, buy you guys will not need it. As for FSU we take on Da U which I am predicting will be a high scoring game. If we win it will be a great start and give us a great boost going forward...Let's get down to some predictions.... Oh yea GO NOLES BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

UF wins 63 to 7
Auburn wins 35 to 3
FSU wins 31 to 20

F**K MIAMI!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Peter Stark Interview on the National Debt

Before you ask, yes he is still in office.

Catchy (but sad)

New Toy

Below you will see pictures of my recently purchased car. You may ask yourself how does somebody who is unemployed obtain financing to buy a car? Well I was wondering the same thing, but apparently with a good credit score and my last years salary it apparently was not a big deal. So I now am the proud owner of a 2009 Mazda Speed 3. I am in love with this car and everything you see on the car came stock. It is very fun to drive and came equipped with a turbo charged 4 cylinder pumping out almost 270 HP. I liked the hatchback because you can comfortably seat 4 with some trunk space while keeping the car looking nice and sporty.
You will also see a couple of pictures of our front yard (aka where we park) during a heavy rainstorm this past weekend. As you can see from the Pics the water was mid shin, which is about 10" so yes I am going to have to be careful.

Don't get caught up staring at my Pecs........

J I will NEVER click on one of your ads.................

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Jae, What's with all the new ads? Are you trying to make money off us? :)

Four-Day workweek has legs

Link. Jen has been doing this for over a year now and she loves it. One advantage (to the employers) that is not mentioned is that the employees get much less overtime.