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Yes sir one has been created I made it the second I found out the Noles seed.Tough break for Auburn I thought you should have got in. As for UF well I think you guys could have one a few games, but the weak schedule hurt. Group: Going Dancingpassword: danceWeird FSU in...UF out.
Yeah, it was understood that if we beat UF then we were getting in, but apparently the selection committee chaged their mind.
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Yes sir one has been created I made it the second I found out the Noles seed.
Tough break for Auburn I thought you should have got in. As for UF well I think you guys could have one a few games, but the weak schedule hurt.
Group: Going Dancing
password: dance
Weird FSU in...UF out.
Yeah, it was understood that if we beat UF then we were getting in, but apparently the selection committee chaged their mind.
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