Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OnLive Game Service

[link in title] A glimpse into the future? Looks pretty cool. Think Netflix Watch Instantly but with video games. This gaming "console" does all the heavy computing on the service's computers and the resulting video is streamed to the small device which connects to the tv.

Games are available instantaneously without anything to download. Multi-player is available in the usual sense but also in the sense that you can "watch" your friend play and record & share "bragging" clips.

No pricing information released yet so it's hard to get too excited, but if the price is right I expect to be supporting this innovation.


Leighton said...

Definitely love the idea, especially if they throw some old school classics on there like Zelda and Contra! Of course I will have to see it in action before I give my final review, since I can see the streaming aspect being a problem and lag being an issue.

Question does it work graphically speaking? Will they have to "dumb down" the graphics for the sake of speed?

Nick D said...

Lag eh? Rogue Spear anybody??

Jae said...

there were a number of reviews online where reporters got to play hands on with it. they reported not being able to see any lag (even when looking for it).

as for the graphics, onlive supports 720p if you have at least 5 Mbps broadband and standard definition for 1.5 Mbps. the reports i saw said that there were some visual artifacts due to the compression scheme they are using, but it did not detract from the game.

their current game selection seems to be newer release pc games. but who knows what they have in store for the future. no pun intended.

Leighton said...

That is some promising news Jae...I would definitely be interested.

Andrew said...


Nick D said...

I think Jae might have just cursed Rory out in that paragraph, but I did not really understand it so I could be wrong.