Saturday, March 28, 2009

Money as Debt


Adam said...

Wow, that was one long video, but after leaving it up for a while and watching little bits at a time, I finally finished it.

Entertaining indeed and clearly came from the mind of a Canadian. It definitely highlights the current problem that we are in right now as far as debt spiraling out of control; however I don't think it really gives credit to the system that has caused such tremendous advances in such a short period of time. The system he describes as ideal sounds perfect if you want no change whatsoever. No innovation, no striving for more, just keep the status quo. Not my idea of a vibrant economy and sounds exactly like Canada and other nonproductive countries of Europe.

Either way, a good post and it raises a lot of really interesting issues. I'm just not a fan of the conclusions he comes to based on his history of money.

Logan said...

ehhh, too long to watch.

Amanda said...

I'm only about halfway through... I have my comprehensive exam this Friday (aka the alternative to a thesis) so I doubt I'll get through it in time to comment. Having said that, I also doubt any comment I make on this would be particularly intelligent, so I'll just say it's eye-opening. My political and economical opinions only go to the point of wanting everything to be okay (typical softy) :)

Jae said...

don't worry amanda, my comments are never intelligent either. i am going to have to watch the video a few times over to even comprehend it :).