Thursday, March 19, 2009

A funny continuation on the Global Warming issue

Click the title.


Adam said...

"We’re hungry, the cold is relentless, our sleeping bags are full of ice"

Hahahah, that is awesome. Even if you are a fan of the global warming propaganda, you have to love the irony this year. The global warming protest in DC where it snowed, which is quite rare. The conference in Buffalo that was like 30 degrees below normal temperatures. It is really funny.

Nevertheless, the hunt for Man-Bear-Pig continues.

Jae said...

That is pretty awesome. Did anyone else see the new population growth statistics? If global warming doesn't kill us, the rapid overpopulation will (probably first).

Jae said...

link for ^^^

Alex said...

Damn Jae! Think happy thoughts!

Anyway, history indicates that more babies is a good thing for the health of a nation. The problem is due to the people who are having the babies.

Jae said...

history may say that, but the future doesn't. there is only so much pie to go around.

Alex said...

How would we know what the future says?

Jae said...

you listen to me, i'll tell you what it says.

Logan said...

Tim Tebow knows the future.