Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Love this

Follow this link to a youtube video of Corrine Brown giving a floor speech about UF. I am not saying anything but the school needs to rethink debate, english and public speaking requirements.



Adam said...

Ugh, I could only take one minute of that speech. I feel bad for the people stuck on the House floor listening to that.

One comment on YouTube was funny though: "This makes me proud to be a Republican and a Seminole."

Amanda said...

Oh Adam, please watch the rest. It's just too freaking hilarious. My personal favorite comment on YouTube:

"'gradjlations to corch orving miers.' What a goddamn dumb bitch. She should be in the GO Gators commercials! Go look like a dumbass in Congress!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm still rolling...

Jae said...

this makes me sad. sad that all of us normal gator fans have to take the shit for stunts like this. sad that our tax dollars paid for that. but mostly sad that i am reminded of the poor grammar and bad attitude that a lot of blacks in the south have. after leaving the state it is a culture shock whenever i re-encounter it.

on a side note, where do i get me one of them robes :P.

Amanda said...

You should watch the other YouTube videos with her... my favorites are the ones about minimum wage and the Jacksonville news interview about Hurricane Fay and city workers sandbagging her house. This woman is a piece of work.

Adam said...

I say we create a fund to buy Jae one of her robes. Then he could post youtube videos about the value of proper English. I realize that there are dialects (like the awful one in Boston) but there is no excuse for barely being able to read. I blame it on the Reconstruction era.

Nick D said...

Ugh that was painful and yet it was great....

Logan said...

Adam, I blame it on affirmative action. It's probably because people like her actually made the law.

Andrew said...

Saddest thing is that she is #2 democrat on the house financial services committee. You should have seen her grilling the CEOs of all the banks and investment firms. She just kept asking these ridiculous questions and would ignore the answers of the CEOs. My favorite was when the people testifying would say "No" or "I don't know" she would just completely reverse the answer and move on.

Alex said...

So these are the people making the decisions for America's future?! Ouch!

I find it funny that she is wearing Gator colors, but I am pissed off that an idiot like this is an elected official!

Andrew said...

Funniest thing is that she did not even graduate from UF. She got her BA and Masters from FAMU and got a teaching certificate from UF. Kind of like me taking a couple classes at Harvard and essentially saying I am a member of the Crimson Nation. Ridiculous.

Amanda said...

At least Harvard wouldn't be embarrassed by you!

Andrew said...

I think they might be...