Monday, March 02, 2009

For those of us with dogs...

Sleeping Dog Runs Into Wall


Rory said...

Hahaha, wow I never heard of a dog sleepwalking!

Logan said...

He was just chasin the mailman.

Nick D said...

That was awesome. I watched it like 5 times already.

Amanda said...

What the heck are the chances of the owner getting that on tape? The dog must have done that before or something... I mean dogs run in their sleep all the time but I've never seen one do it so violently, not to mention wake himself up and ram his head into a stud :(

I have to admit I laughed out loud but I feel really bad for that poor dog!

Jae said...

you can't feel too bad for it, dogs exist only to amuse us. except for my dog, she exists to annoy me.