Sunday, March 15, 2009

Alex = Timmy

As requested, here's the video of Alex singing "Timmy & The Lords of the Underworld".


Nick D said...

I thought it was going to be Alex curing up a storm after the bracket came out.

Nicely done Alex...Lords of the underworld.

Andrew said...

Good lord. Alex can you please sing that at Adam's wedding? I am thinking that will be his first dance song.

Alex said...

Yeah, I am disappointed that Auburn got left out. Oh well.

I could sing that but I would have to practice a lot and drink heavily before singing. Sadly, I only scored 66% on that song.

Adam said...

Nice work Alex. How do you even sing to that? Do they actually type out words or is it just garble that you have to sing at the right pitch? I think you should publish that web address at your work so all the clients of Desoto Animal Clinic can see their lovely doctor in action.

Alex said...

Thanks Adam! Please do not publish that.

The words and random noises are typed out on the screen. I was trying to stay as true to the song as I could.

Jae said...

who was on drums?

Eric said...

Ashley's brother Ryan.

Leighton said...

That's it...I'm bringing my guitar when I come down.

You should hear Alex sing the Yeah Yeah Yeah's...haha

Amanda said...

I wish I got my co-worker on tape last Friday doing "No Sleep Til Brooklyn"... it was hilarious AND she nailed it. Another co-worker rocked out on "Freak on a Leash"... which was pretty high up there as well because she is just this cute tiny girl screaming all those random sounds. It is also worth noting that they were both sober. But Alex, we go way back, so I'll give you the top spot in my eyes. Well done :)

Leighton said...

That is awesome! I wish they had some Korn on Rockband...especially Freak on a Leash!

Amanda said...

Yeah it was pretty great. I did Go Your Own Way (Fleetwood Mac), Everlong, and Dammit... not particularly ridiculous as far as lyrics go, but if I may say so I was still pretty funny.

Leighton said...

You guys need to start taping it...haha.

Adam said...

My favorite is that Paramore song.