Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Birthday

Adam, Happy 25th. Good Luck with your mid-terms this week and I am really looking forward to seeing you this weekend.


Leighton said...

Happy Birthday Fasoli brothers!

Eric said...

Happy birthday guys! You'll each have to comment so we can see who partied the hardest upon their entry into the quarter-century club.

Adam said...

Happy Birthday Drew! Well I am driving down to DC tomorrow so we are both going to be partying equally hard I think. Dangerous. My roommate Dave made me a cake and I think he invited people over tonight. He is being very secretive about the whole thing though so who knows. I finished my last real exam today (nothing like having a histology final on your b-day) so hopefully I will unwind a little tonight.

Alex said...

Happy Birthday, Adam and Drew!

Logan said...

Happy bday guys!