Friday, April 20, 2007

Back on the net

So we finally got internet and tv back after almost a week without. I know, I know... some may call me a hero battling the forces of evil. I say I am just a man who had to move and, therefore, go without tv or internet for a week. Hall-of-fame worthy... maybe, legendary not quite.

Anyway we are officially moved into the new house as of last Friday. We have successfully unpacked most of the boxes and done about half of the painting that will be done. We are getting furniture delivered today so that will hopefully make it seem not so empty.

I will probably be taking a video to show the parents, so I'll post that when I get it.


Nick D said...

Wow. Jae makes me feel like a child. Congrats bud.

Nadia said...

Congratulations on the new house guys! When's the house warming?! =b